thoroughly vaped
Smokers and vapers aren't the best people to tell as far as smell goes. People who have allergies to airborne particles are better. They can smell it for sure, before I even get a whiff.
Including home? Would you live in a non-medical state by any chance? Most patients I know have to at home. Out in public is a different manner.
Bingo! This is just the kind of entitled viewpoint that I have an issue with. Because movies are expensive, we can do whatever we want? It's great you want to enjoy yourself, but there are plenty of people around who don't enjoy vapor or smoke, besides the smell. I have a friend with sensitivity to particulate matter, and to think she'd have to leave a movie because someone was "treating themselves" in the theater is pretty sad IMO. But I'm a geezer I guess.
Isn't this thread all about HOW to dot it? That sounds suggestive to me. Sorry you took my comment that way, but I have tested it, and it's not a sure thing by any means. If it works, it requires a lot of technique, and with some strains it won't work at all. The problem I have is because no one has mentioned it to you (and we both admit we don't really bring it up when we see it), there's an assumption that people can't tell that I don't see a basis for. Anyway, sorry for your person offense.
I'm glad your theater arrangements support this The ones here really don't, but again my point is nobody can know for sure if it's safe in any situation.
Just to clarify, I really don't care if you vape in a theater or not. It doesn't bother me at all unless I'm with that friend I mentioned. When it bothers me is when I read in the media about people calling attention to themselves by pushing to limit on what they can get away with in public, when there's no actual need for it. A lot of states here are trying to go medical, and trying to go legal. The impression some of the behavior described in this thread does nothing to help the cause. To each, their own. If you re-read the thread, I'm hardly the only one who called it rude and careless.
You didn't mention if you were in a legal state or are a med patient, so I can't call anything you do out. Someone in a non-legal state, why chance anything in a public theater? In a legal or medical situation, it just sounds rude to me. Sorry but I can't justify it.
Glad we could discuss it. At least FCers probably have the expertise to get away with it. And as you mentioned former smokers being sensitive, it's probably because I pulled stunts like this when younger is why I'm against it now. You know, like the stoner parents who forbid their kids to try weed.Maybe nobody gives a crap about cannabis in public anymore, I don't know.
Edit: The quote function hates me.
I get you on all points. And, agree if anyone can smell it in a theater, it's a problem. A BIG problem. But again, before you throw all of this you should try it with an MFLB if you have a few years experience with it (I've been using one since '09). Or, learn how to use one and try it. Check it at home. But until you do, I don't think you really know what I (or you for that matter) are talking about.
As I said above, this has been tested with people who don't smoke anything anymore but did for years. I was hesitant to mention it above, but have even done this with my mother sitting right next to me (she smoked MJ for about 20 years and stopped 15 -20 ago), and have asked her to be on the lookout for it. Smelled nothing tho she has seen me taking a hit a couple times. Not hard when sharing the same armrest. But, she and the others aren't the type who are going to say they don't smell anything if they do - actually quite the opposite in most cases. More times than not when I do go to the movies, there is someone with me that doesn't smoke/vape and I always remind them to let me know if they smell anything at all. Has never happened in 15 - 20 instances over the past several years.
All I'm saying is it can be done if you know the MFLB well and are careful. I wouldn't even think of trying it with any other vape I've ever used, but this (not just for theaters) is a good reason why I keep this one in the vape arsenal.
FWIW, I'm not in a legal state at all (so of course not legal med status). But I fail to see the relevance here. If one of the 8 people I've checked this with (only one who still smokes cigs, and 4 who haven't smoked/vaped weed in years or don't regularly) said they smelled anything at all I wouldn't be doing it in a medical or recreational state either. It's not as much about not caring for others or subjecting them to my vapor as you've indicted me of a few times now. It is that it seems to be imperceptible to others in the theater. If it wasn't, I wouldn't do it.
Outside in the smoking area of a large bar, or at a sporting event with 20,000 to 70,000 people? I don't worry as much about the smell and offending anyone to the point of blowing it down my sleeve or collar. If someone can smell it over the cloud of tobacco smoke floating around, I just don't want them to know it is me making it. Here what you're saying might even have a little more validity, but I keep it low and light too. Admittedly, more for my own benefit of not being escorted out or worse.
I also have two friends who I trust well enough with this (one has their own MFLB as their only vape, and the other has shared mine for years). The rules in any situation stay the same. No passing back and forth in the open, and if anyone is looking around suspiciously or if anyone you are with sees or smells any vapor other than exhaling towards your own belly button, party over. To date this has only happened once when one of those friends was shitfaced drunk outside a bar and getting a bit sloppy.