Because they've tested it several times with people who still smoke/vape weed and those who don't but who definitely know what the smell is. You want to find someone who can smell cigarette smoke? Find yourself a former smoker. Have found pretty much the same with former or occasional weed smokers and know they can smell vapor, but didn't smell this even when asked to be on the lookout for it. I've also been un-vaped and sat next to someone who was doing this but didn't smell a thing, even tho I was watching and trying to smell it. I had eaten some edibles, but IME this usually makes it easier to smell weed in any form.
Smokers and vapers aren't the best people to tell as far as smell goes. People who have allergies to airborne particles are better. They can smell it for sure, before I even get a whiff.
Don't absolutely have to vape in a theater, or anywhere - including home for that matter.
Including home? Would you live in a non-medical state by any chance? Most patients I know have to at home. Out in public is a different manner.
But with the quality of most movies and what they charge for tickets and concessions, I'm out to enjoy myself and as long as no one is aware I'm usually going to have a few top offs. Same for a professional ballgame, concert with a crowd that isn't full of stoners or a bar for that matter.
Bingo! This is just the kind of entitled viewpoint that I have an issue with. Because movies are expensive, we can do whatever we want? It's great you want to enjoy yourself, but there are plenty of people around who don't enjoy vapor or smoke, besides the smell. I have a friend with sensitivity to particulate matter, and to think she'd have to leave a movie because someone was "treating themselves" in the theater is pretty sad IMO. But I'm a geezer I guess.
Don't think anyone is suggesting you do it. I'm sure not doing so. I'm only saying that with patience, care and practice you can pull it off without anyone being the wiser. But, kind of take offense to your comments of certainty that others do smell it in the face of my post about testing it out above. Don't know how you could claim or be that certain of it without sitting next to me (or any one of the thousands with good MFLB skills) in a theater or anywhere else.
Isn't this thread all about HOW to dot it? That sounds suggestive to me. Sorry you took my comment that way, but I have tested it, and it's not a sure thing by any means. If it works, it requires a lot of technique, and with some strains it won't work at all. The problem I have is because no one has mentioned it to you (and we both admit we don't really bring it up when we see it), there's an assumption that people can't tell that I don't see a basis for. Anyway, sorry for your person offense.
Don't know what theaters are like in other areas, but most of the ones I go to these days have very high backed seats and a couple levels of them. I like to sit in the middle of the upper level and am pretty sure someone would have to sit up and look over the back of my seat to even see if I was wearing a hat. Not too hard to keep it discrete as long as you make sure someone isn't walking up the steps facing you or behind and standing looking down at you.
I'm glad your theater arrangements support this The ones here really don't, but again my point is nobody can know for sure if it's safe in any situation.
There is definitely a risk of getting caught, or others around you smelling it if you're not careful. But, not really that hard to hide. Too many suppositions flying around here these days in the face of facts, IMO.
@syrupy , please try it at home and see for yourself before you call me or others out as you did above. Thanks!
Just to clarify, I really don't care if you vape in a theater or not. It doesn't bother me at all unless I'm with that friend I mentioned. When it bothers me is when I read in the media about people calling attention to themselves by pushing to limit on what they can get away with in public, when there's no actual need for it. A lot of states here are trying to go medical, and trying to go legal. The impression some of the behavior described in this thread does nothing to help the cause. To each, their own. If you re-read the thread, I'm hardly the only one who called it rude and careless.
You didn't mention if you were in a legal state or are a med patient, so I can't call anything you do out. Someone in a non-legal state, why chance anything in a public theater? In a legal or medical situation, it just sounds rude to me. Sorry but I can't justify it.
Glad we could discuss it. At least FCers probably have the expertise to get away with it. And as you mentioned former smokers being sensitive, it's probably because I pulled stunts like this when younger is why I'm against it now. You know, like the stoner parents who forbid their kids to try weed.

Maybe nobody gives a crap about cannabis in public anymore, I don't know.
Edit: The quote function hates me.