Vaping in "adult life"


Well-Known Member
By and large, academicians bore me to death.... To me, being real is more imprtant than being smart. ....While I have days when a quick session on the way to the office is called for, I tend to wait until my work is done before getting to the business of stablizing.

I KNOW, RIGHT!!!!????? They are all parodies of themselves. I mean, they fkn take themselves so seriously, which is always a sign of a small mind. I mean, it's true: just read Charles Dickens or Jane Austen for proof.

YaMon I'm your sister!!!


Well-Known Member
My wife has been working from home, totally invading my man cave promising, " You are retired and a great guy so please vape as much as you want, WTF, the world is on lockdown.
A few mornings later as she boots up her office she says, "my God don't you ever give it a break!"
I said,"No my dear I'm fucking retired. Adjust, Adapt, Overcome.........ABV edibles.:rofl:
Oh yeah(edible kicking in) I was a Middle School teacher/dean that just got out this Christmas, most principals are either air headed bean counters or messianic dictators.
Thankfully with retirement, I have a few close buddies from 6th grade that still party, just saw them on zoom.
One of my old track athletes ,who still runs marathons, brings outstanding herbs and we talk for hours.


Well-Known Member
No, I don't think higher ed changes who we are. And I actually think that people are generally like that, phony, superficial, narcissistic, the emotional intelligence of a dung beetle.

I've been doing academia for too long, it's time for me to get tf out of it. I don't think I would have been thrilled with any full-time job, so academia was best cuz of all the vacation you get along with the crappy salary (I'm humanities, no big STEM grants for me).

I think I just plain old don't care for lots of people. I can't stand phonies; Holden Caufield ruined them for me.

SO, in an effort to keep this post on the topic, I'll just add: I've learned that, to paraphrase an old Spanish saying, "Better to vape alone than in bad company." I came back to Cannabis in 2005 after 20 years away. Now, growing my own for the past 4 years (4 years in July), I am in an incredible relationship with the sacred herb, and it's really a no-no to use it with the wrong people. I wish I knew more folks I could vape with, but I am perfectly happy on my own with it.
watching small things.....every day look at your herb growing - isnt that the most beautiful plant? and the way it smells....mmmhhh
and yes better vape alone than in bad company - but like you i would prefere sometimes to have a vapebuddy/girl to enjoy the beloved plant.
and yes i have to say thx to my wife that she is totally inline with my medicine while self not enjoying it. and she tolerates my lifelong relationship to maryjane - it was one of the first things i told her when we met - i am weeding and will not stop for wedding :rockon:


Well-Known Member
It'll probably be a little bit more prevelant as we go forward although I'm not sure it'll be as prominent as alcohol.
I wouldn't waste my time dating someone who was dead against it although at the same time I'm not someone who's constantly high.
Let me put it this way: I won't spend a lot of time around certain kinds of folks because our views of the world and our values are too different, too conflicting. Like I don't really "get" folks who don't get Cannabis, social justice, the absolute right to determine one's own spiritual path...


Well-Known Member
It's not a simple thing for me, we accept people who are on all kinds of prescribed drugs some of them much more powerful than some recreational drugs. IMO it really has to be about the individual person and how they are making their way through the day for good or bad reguardless of what drug they are on.
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In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
It's not a simple thing for me, we accept people who are on all kinds of prescribed drugs some of them much more powerful than some recreational drugs. IMO it really has to be about the individual person and how they are making their way through the day for good or bad reguardless of what drug they are on.

I've got no problem with people who don't use cannabis who don't have a negative view of its use. I don't even have a problem with people who have a negative view of cannabis as long as they don't feel the need to "change me and my use".

I know several people who don't EVER use alcohol or cannabis who have their own reasons for being that way who've never said anything negative to me about my drinking or "constant" recreational use of cannabis. I'm actually glad they feel the way they do because I never have a problem finding a designated driver. One person in particular avoids all mind altering drugs including caffeine and always has and.... I love the guy like he's my own blood because he's a good man.

It's no different than someone trying to push their religious beliefs on me....the first time they express those views I tell them I'm not interested, we'll have to agree to disagree and that I don't wish to discuss it further. It's up to them at that point as to whether we continue to associate but it's dependent on them keeping their opinions to themselves going forward.


Well-Known Member
Designated drivers are always welcome! Especially those who stay off the soap box!
My next door neighbor is a truly great guy who does not use any drugs to my knowledge.
He knows I vape and could care less. Most of my close friends are daily vapers.
I will discuss religion and politics with anyone for 5 min. after that I'm done! Ex. I believe we need a designated driver
in the White house. IMHO


Well-Known Member
alcohol use will continue to drop as cannabis expands. it is moot for me as I dont care for alcohols effects anymore.
As an adult I have embraced cannabis use. It lifts up your consciousness unlike our twisted babylon culture has tried to mislead us
Dont feel guilty


Well-Known Member
alcohol use will continue to drop as cannabis expands. it is moot for me as I dont care for alcohols effects anymore.
As an adult I have embraced cannabis use. It lifts up your consciousness unlike our twisted babylon culture has tried to mislead us
Dont feel guilty

to feel guilty kills your spirit - thats why you get told your whole life to feel guilty for whatever


Let me put it this way: I won't spend a lot of time around certain kinds of folks because our views of the world and our values are too different, too conflicting. Like I don't really "get" folks who don't get Cannabis, social justice, the absolute right to determine one's own spiritual path...

I really don't mind if somepeople dont like cannabis as long as they dont think im defective or damaged or something they might have thought in years gone by,itll be legal before too long. I'd also say its difficult to pigeon hole cannabis users they seem to be all over the political spectrum, I lean towards the left but I know some who are to the right of me and i generally dont like tribalism in any case.
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Well-Known Member
I'd also say its difficult to pigeon hole cannabis users they seem to be all over the political spectrum
You're right, and the same can be said for non-users. It's not really Cannabis that determines who I spend time with, tho my closest friends worship the goddess; it's much more in other realms where I know that I don't want to converse with people.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Thats an aspiration although its out of reach for most, or doing what you love doesnt pay the bills.

It's definitely out of reach for those who don't believe in or follow that advice.....

I've seen folks chose a less lucrative career path because of their love for the work and I've seen those who chose $$$ as the primary criteria for their career path. The ones making less money can't wait to get to work and the others can't wait to get paid. One of my kids chose teaching elementary school. When she declared her major I mentioned that she could make so much more doing something else and she wasted no time telling me she was following the advice I gave her. Over 5 years later she still loves her job and "her" kids. I just wish she made more....


It's definitely out of reach for those who don't believe in or follow that advice.....

Im not saying it doesnt happen i just think working people are more sceptical of that mentality. Regardless of what my ambitions are my first instinct is to pay my bills, thats how i was bought up. Anyway, unless you get lucky finding a job you love and pays well for most its about slowly manourving yourself into a position where you can actually get the job from your quote. Im British assuming most of you guys/gals are American, so im not sure whether my view on this comes from my upbringing. I was always content, if not happy, doing admin with music my main creative outlet. Perhaps I'll look for another type of job once this corona virus stuff calms down as to be honest I dont like sitting at a desk all day.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
@mac_47 I did many a "J O B for P A Y" while laying the foundation for what I really wanted to do. Those jobs-for-pay were never satisfying and may have helped drive me to stay the course.

It sounds like your content for the most part. I hope you find the last piece to your puzzle.


Well-Known Member
My point is this: there's nothing we have to work hard at that's fun all the time. Relationships, kids, any job... is a total pain in the ass at times.

I love my job--I'm a professor--but it's a total pain in the ass at times. Being healthy, in my humble opinion, means we have the ability to accept the grunt work, the bureacuracy, the small minds, the problems that beset any relationship, etc., and get through it.

This idea that a job, a marriage, anything, is fabulous all the time, is for fairy tales and little kids.
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