Well-Known Member
@TheFatBastard Interesting thread you started here. I enjoyed reading your and others thoughts. I too am a father in my 40s. My wife is actually anti-cannabis and hasn't gotten over that all drugs are bad mantra we had beat into us in our youth. Her anti-cannabis stance definitely increases the issues. I am a medical user, but I also enjoy the recreational benefits as well. I generally only vape each night after the family is in bed. You're not alone in worrying about productivity and downtime, but I've concluded it's worth it to take time to enjoy life.
Thanks buddy! Well, my wife had kind of that "mantra" too, guess we all do somehow, but I'm lucky she is quite smart too, she went to college and have a MBA (just like me) and so, after explaining the evidence, showing her medical and scientific articles, etc, etc she enjoys Cannabis with me when she wants some relax or have a good time too, most times when we are "kids free"

One of the reasons I started this thread was because I think we all 80's kids (the ones that are around 40 right now) were educated in that "all drugs are bad" mantra, so even being educated and having a critical thought, that mantra still resonates in your head in some way, like religion or other things we have grown with. The Cannabis legalization / culture had "just" exploded and is kinda of a blast for us, making us sometimes feel bad for enjoying it somehow.