Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud


Well-Known Member
Anymore I don't so much care about names.

The craziness up in here is the thing I'm down for.


Well-Known Member
Question for international folk getting in on the EVO, did you donate an extra $50 or do we pay shipping later?


Recovering Idealist
This is fantastic! The Cloud brand took a lot of work to build and I love how the new name highlights the evolution and increased capabilities, in an easy to understand manner, that the new Cloud EVO offers :tup:

I agree - it is great that VXL will be able to continue the growth of their brand with the Cloud name. And the name really does help highlight that this is the next adaptaion in the EVOlution of vaporizing.


Well-Known Member
Just threw in another $500 on the donation. Getting closer to that 100K! If I already contributed at the Nimbus Early Bird perk level, and then contributed againd and chose another Early Bird Perk, will VapeXhale raise me to the Fanatic level once all is said and done?


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
So I was just musing . . .

About the time the Cloud was released, out of curiosity I compared the number of views on that thread with other popular threads. While there were ~600K views on the Cloud thread, that was still well under the Myrtlezap let alone the Extreme which, counting both Extreme threads, with its ~1.1M views just recently passed the previous all-time champ, Purple-Days.

That was then. This is now. This thread now has ~910K views, which combined with the first thread, makes for 1.5M views. As in one-plus-a-half fucking million.

I don't want to rain on any other vape's parade, but I gotta say that those numbers says one helluva lot about a guy we call SM55, his crew, and their vapes.

And it's only gonna get better.
Is this the place to be for vapes, or what? :rockon:

While I think the Cloud deserves all the views it can get, and 1.5 million views is impressive, the actual champion is (and always was) the Magic-Flight Launch Box, which was our first million-view thread and currently has 2,448,718 views.

Congratulations to VXL for not being afraid to go back and claim the Cloud name. I'm confident that Cloud EVO will satisfy the unhappy Eagle-haters.


Finally pulled the trigger and went for the 500$ package. I use my ticking first gen cloud every day and has hit just as good as day one. My girlfriend will be happy to know I am upgrading so she can use my old one. So it seems the hydratube pics are gonna be posted soon which is nice. I had paid for the sovereignty glass tube package when this product first came out and ended up with one of the recessed joint hydratubes and love it, but I am hoping for a curved mouth piece as well on the new ones. This is one of the few products in my life I do not know what I would do without so money well spent for anyone on the fence. Now just come out with a portable model already so I can replace my omicron light :)


No longer dogless
It really was. I love my LSV, but I've never tried a Cloud, I see 3 Days Left, I don't know how much more it will cost upon release, and I'm just like DO IT!!

Time will tell, but I'm sure I'll be happy with my decision.
I don't mean to diss the LSV, but I haven't touched mine since getting my Cloud (around 15 months ago). I haven't touched my LSV. I don't even know where it is at the moment.


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
While I think the Cloud deserves all the views it can get, and 1.5 million views is impressive, the actual champion is (and always was) the Magic-Flight Launch Box, which was our first million-view thread and currently has 2,448,718 views.

Well hell now, I didn't think to look on the Portables list. :doh:

All I can say is . . . :myday:


hey @stonemonkey55 something I am curious about as I have never used indiegogo before (only kickstarter). If I am an early bird donater at the 500$ level do I get any of the lower level perks as well or is it only what the 500$ level perk states? At that donation amount I would love a hoodie or to be able to go to that tasting event in SF as I live in the Bay. Just curious, stoked either way :)

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
Any donator over the $5 can rock up to the tasting event, aside from that, you only get what is specifically outlined in the perc level.
Frederick McGuire,
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Well-Known Member
Should I feel bad for half wishing the second colour (which we are totally about to reach, 3 more days withs o many people holding out for the last day? come on, in the bag) was exclusive for indiegogo backers only? i want to feel V.I.P D:


Apprentice Daydreamer
gigaurora: what about these who got a fanatic perc? They were going to get a special color Cloud EVO - i wonder are they going to get another color?


Dang.. I really thought the update would include pictures of both hydratubes and clarification on beta testing. I will be satisfied with going Fanboy and buying my own glass if i dont have details in the next few days. But please blow my mind with pics/videos/and what to expect with beta testing and i will be happier to spend more. And again, Will the cloud buddy be available to purchase by October release?


Well-Known Member
Confused! So does this mean there will be 3 colors? 2 permanent and the limited edition?


Well-Known Member
does anyone hit their cloud using the direct mouthpiece ie no water - does it get too hot or uncomfortable?
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