Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

John Lewus

Well-Known Member
I should also add I never stir with it in the cloud because dust residue will fall through the fine mesh. It will build up over time.
John Lewus,


Out to lunch

I am considering buying a cloud in the near future (extreme Q user) but I am uneasy spending that kind of money on a product whose company's web site seems always down. Anybody know what is going on?

Always down? Over what time period? Since they first went into business I'd say it's been up about 99% of the time.


Well-Known Member

I am considering buying a cloud in the near future (extreme Q user) but I am uneasy spending that kind of money on a product whose company's web site seems always down. Anybody know what is going on?

Hiya & welcome to the forum. Something temporary. Never seen it b4


Vape Obsessed

I am considering buying a cloud in the near future (extreme Q user) but I am uneasy spending that kind of money on a product whose company's web site seems always down. Anybody know what is going on?



No worries on the site being down. I spoke with an employee at VapeXhale, and I was told they are actually prepping a brand new site (apparently in the next 2 weeks or so maybe more lol). So it may go up and down some more.. BUT It is a marvelous product, and I can't endorse it enough. Surprisingly potent. If you want one of them, just buy one.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker

I am considering buying a cloud in the near future (extreme Q user) but I am uneasy spending that kind of money on a product whose company's web site seems always down. Anybody know what is going on?


Hey T, welcome - listen, I don'y want you to feel like your going through this alone. Buy me another cloud and we'll take the plunge together! :tup:

Medical Mark

Well-Known Member
I've never put up a vid but here ya go, I got this unit in oct o my birthday and love this thing so much it medicate me like no other stationary or portable vaporizer on the market today in my opinion I have a few to choose from but this awesome machine is the shit.
Cheers, medical mark


Well-Known Member
I've never put up a vid but here ya go, I got this unit in oct o my birthday and love this thing so much it medicate me like no other stationary or portable vaporizer on the market today in my opinion I have a few to choose from but this awesome machine is the shit.
Cheers, medical mark
I can't tell, is the GonG joint on the Cloud unit discolored from resin? Or is that the purple LED I've probably never seen?

Bon Dog

Well-Known Member
has anyone used the cloud with an 18.8 to 14.4 adapter? i was wondering if if affects the performance at all
Bon Dog,


Well-Known Member
has anyone used the cloud with an 18.8 to 14.4 adapter? i was wondering if if affects the performance at all
Sure, on a big volume or multi-perc'd piece.
It will reduce the airflow so it all depends on the volume/other resistance factors.

On a small/medium free-flowing 14mm piece, the VXC still works great with the adapter.


Well-Known Member
Here's a other cloud video , Its kinda long forgive me but I'm new at this stuff.
It's soooo good

Cheers, medical mark

Dude, I love your video. I always wanted to see a full sesh with the cloud and how many milky hits you can attain. To my surprise, even the last hit was damn dense!! Yeah man and you also helped me regarding which HT I prefer using two of them. Is it typical for the SSFG to milk better than the Tree or one is easier on the lungs?

Regardless, the video wasn't too long, it was just right. With that selection of home grown, you'll have MANY cloudy days...the mother load


Staff member
Nice vid, Mark. Some unsolicited advice: Don't ever try to put glass away whilst coughing. Trust me on this one. :disgust:


Medical Mark

Well-Known Member
Ya I guess I could drop it hey, that's what your alluding too I suppos.
Good advice cause I tend to have butter fingers, and I'd hate to bust stuff up mind ya I guess if I actually broke something I'd have to buy something else, bigger and better. Matrix glass, devastator, some thing interchangeable.

Well just though a few vids would be fun since I've never posted anything before on the cloud thread.
No my cloud is stock, but I guess my joint is just worn resin discoloured for use maybe and its green and red but if you want to see purple, orange that's ok maybe with the discoloured male joint it looks different but nope it's green and red.
I prefer green in most cases green for go, good, ganja.

Cheers , medical mark
Medical Mark,
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