I have 10 "fat" ELBs, too. Impossible to "train". They all require much manipulation to insert/remove. The only way that I can get them in all the way without the glass internals of the Cloud getting pushed down further into the Cloud involves tipping the unit 45 degrees, balancing it with my arm while one hand supports the glass from underneath while the other hand forced the ELB in from the top.I tried sticking them in the one other 18mm adapter i have, it wasn't as tight as the cloud joint so they didnt really train.
I have got the one all the way in a couple times, but it is CRAZY tight and requires prayer before removing. Trust me, if one of these was train-able, the one should fit in by now. But it doesn't.
Some of the others I have that were extra ones ordered, barely fit 1/3 of the way in.
And sorry, but there is no way im using the cloud to train these things. I thought about buying another adapter but I already spent $20 extra on the 4 pack of elbs that dont fit, so I don't want to have to spend another $20 to train them. And I know as soon as I order it, I will get an email saying the new old elbs are in
I have 10 "fat" ELBs, too. Impossible to "train". They all require much manipulation to insert/remove. The only way that I can get them in all the way without the glass internals of the Cloud getting pushed down further into the Cloud involves tipping the unit 45 degrees, balancing it with my arm while one hand supports the glass from underneath while the other hand forced the ELB in from the top.
But that was then.
I ordered some ELBs from VXL last week and they are the old fashioned "skinny" variety and work sooooooooooo much better than the fatties.
If you have fat ELBs, do yourself a favor and just buy some new ones from the website. You'll be glad you did. I sure am.
So I had a big scare today. My cloud wasn't hitting the same but of course it could all be perception, so I figure something is wrong, then I noticed I filled my HydraTree a little bit higher than normal and heard more water than normal but it wasn't leaking. So I took a rip, check the joint, everything was cool. Checked the glass. Everything cool. So then I say, ok maybe it's a dirty ELB let me grab a brand new one out of the bag. I do, and use it. It's a bit better. As I'm removing it, i heard a cracking. I'm like, oh shit, it's my tube. Oh shit. Oh shit. But as I'm taking it out, I notice I can't get the ELB out.
Look what happened.
This was a completely new ELB. Oh well. LOL. Still love my Cloud.
Edit: Oh man, I just thought about it. If the entire top ripped off, I'd have to send it in for warranty. Thank God it didn't :-). Holy crap! Wow, what a scare! There would be no way for me to remove the ELB from the joint without the top.
Nice pics man. So the cloud can fit that piece no problem. I was wondering about that. Does it fit the penta disk as well?
I dunnoI had 10 "fatty" Elbs. I ran them into a vapor hose adapter, $11, they "snapped" into place and have worked perfectly in the Cloud ever since. I suggest a little lube to avoid the carnage that I created since I did destroy one in the process
Almost anything could be used as a die . .
The heat might have helped as well since after snapping in I gave them an hour dwell time on a maxed Cloud (I was also burning off smell at the time)
But this should at least help get you by until you get regulars![]()
Stop being afraid to push it in. I know everyone says don't do that but how else are they going to loosen? I had to jam mine in when I first got them and had to use the epik tool to get them out. Now I don't even use that tool anymore as I can just easily remove it with my fingers. I think people are scaring people a little to much into thinking that if you push even with the slightest force that you will break your unit, which IMHO isn't true.I desperately need ELBs that fit!! As of last week, still no word on them yet. Sigh.
I want to get rid of this damn nervous feeling every time I pull an ELB out!! Out of the 6 that I have, only one comfortably fits in enough to at least allow the HT to be properly seated. And I tried using it with my bubbler the other day and because it sticks out so much, it pulled the cap off the elb when I went to clear it and spilled all the contents down the inside of the tree lol
Serious #firstworldproblems![]()
Stop being afraid to push it in. I know everyone says don't do that but how else are they going to loosen? I had to jam mine in when I first got them and had to use the epik tool to get them out. Now I don't even use that tool anymore as I can just easily remove it with my fingers. I think people are scaring people a little to much into thinking that if you push even with the slightest force that you will break your unit, which IMHO isn't true.
Badass (and beautiful) pic!! You beat me to posting pics of mine showing the perfect fit and (almost
I've grown to enjoy the ticking noise! Maybe it's cause I've associated the "tick-tick-tick" with being completely vaked. It's like there's little elves inside my cloud hammering out computer code to ensure I receive proper vapor delivery.
Does anyone else find it soothing or have I over-medicated again?
Okay you can call me a whiner if you like, but my Cloud came today and I was seriously underwhelmed. I got the two pieces wrapped in pink foam in a large corrugated cardboard box with one piece of printed instructions. This is no way no market a five hundred dollar piece! I also didn't get the extra ELBs for the High Times coupon. I didn't even try it yet as I'm do disgusted with the presentation. Consider the way the Pax comes packed for half the price. It says to me that the company really doesn't care about the product and that doesn't bode well for after sales service. They'll never be able to sell them in stores like this that is for sure. I'm not sure why this bugs me so much but it does. I'm feeling much more love towards my EQ and ViCape right now and both for less money, the EQ for less than half as much. If. It's not head and shoulders above those two when I start using it, it's going up for sale in a real hurry. Okay. I'm done now .