Must put the Cloud down! and turn it off.

It needs some rest and I need to come out of the Clouds long enough to try and post a review

(sorry video currently NA )
Ok I have been "testing" my Cloud now for about 3 weeks and really enjoying the way I can medicate in so many ways, from the "high school high" as some have called it, to a more mellow relaxed high that allows my pain level to be much more tolerable and to really efficiently extract my meds (in my case, this is the high that I prefer, mostly

). This allows me to be able to do more of my Physical Therapy, QiGong exercise and meditation. It has really made a difference in how I can quickly medicate to a level that that I can stretch and strengthen my body and help my pain/stress level! Thank You
Again Vapexhale, Congratulations, looking forward to the Full Cloud Launch!
The Review part:
The packaging was great and bombproof, UPS proof even.
The first thing that I noticed after unboxing,setting it up and letting heat up and burn off anything, was how tight the ELB was in the joint. I had not tried to hit on the unit and was reading the included instructions (not sure why? I was excited I guess

(Note: I understand that there was a small change in the ELBs and that the new ones will not be as tight. Is there any idea of when the new ones will be available to order or should I just wait till after the web site launch for more info?)
It mentions that you should train your ELBs and that they will become easier to use. OK good ELB, sit in the joint, thats right, sit, come on lower. Well I tried to wait and train my ELBs but I wanted to try my Cloud! So I removed the ELB and turned the Cloud on to try her out! Did I mention that I was excited!
So I just filled up the ELB less that halfway and put it in the Joint about halfway down. (I saw that SM posted something about this also.) This was about as far as I could easily insert it. And it seemed to work pretty well for slower draws, milking, similar to what I am used to doing with my MFLB with a bong. I think that for slower draws, you should only fill the ELB about 1/3 of the way so that the Meds can move easily around as the air flows threw it. I also want to mention that the Epic vape tool is incredibly handy for removing a hot ELB from the joint and I think everyone should have one. I did rip an ELB when I got too cocky using my fingernails to remove the ELB.
It did work for harder pulls but I found that after more testing, it worked better for bong rips IMHO when you filled the ELB about 2/3 full and you could insert the ELB all the way into the Joint. Now I can rip as hard as I am able and get a huge Hydratube hit that just tastes so incredible that I hate to exhale! I know it must smell just like it tastes....unbelievable, it is like eating the smell of the meds. And the flavor stays good for 4 / 5 rips easily and I am medicated probably after 2 or 3 good rips. The heater somehow is able to maintain the temp no matter how hard you pull! No popcorn taste, it just stops producing clouds when the meds are done. Wow coming from using the MFLB as my daily driver, this is a huge! (my hand still wants to shake the trench

) I still like to stir or shake the ELB around once at the end of the ELB to move the Meds around! I do wonder since the Cloud is so efficient and the ABV is so even, is the ABV still as potent. Has anyone tried cooking with the Cloud ABV have any info to share? I guess I will be trying out some of mine soon
Other things that I noticed from reading previous reviews was that the Cloud does get very warm and can be hard to hold....But I found that if you hold it at the very bottom of the unit, below the bottom set of screws, kind of across the two "feet" that the unit sits on. I usually hold it just above the housing where it curves between the "feet". It just gets warm to the touch there and is pretty easy to hold. Just don't grab the metal housing below, or the screws above and it works pretty well. Maybe there will be an aftermarket handle designed, but I have adapted to using the current unit pretty easily.
The SGW Hydratube looks and works great for allowing me to take huge rips or gently milk depending on how I feel and fill the ELB, the meds, and how the temp is set. I did end up making my own "Clod Station". (Yes I can be a Clod) It is basically a box that I lined with bubble wrap and made a cardboard slot for the Hydratube to slip thru. After I take a rip I can safely place the SGW down in my Clod Station! I do like having the ice pinches, as I really like the cool air from the ice up close to my mouth. But I find with the SGW, that it can only hold a small amount of water before it can get a bit close to getting to overflow. So I keep a glass handy to poor out the excess water as you must watch your water levels. I sometimes like to take tasty hits at temp setting 10 oclock. The vapor is not as visible or thick but the taste is incredible and the ABV is just a light green. I usually just save it till later in the evening and grind it up a little more and vape it at about 1 oclock to try and extract some more. I get some great tasting rips as it extracts more meds, not as good as fresh meds but still if it has some moisture still left, you can extract more meds if you want
I think that I have talked about most of the Pros for the Cloud. I love my Cloud and how it helps me to feel better physically and mentally. I guess they are both closely related

. The Cloud just really helps to deliver the Meds without taking alot of time to do it.
My biggest Con is the 1 hour shutdown timer with flashing lights. I never remember to check what time I turned it on. I usually just take a few hits and just leave it on, thinking ok just one more in a few minutes...yeah right

I guess I should learn by now to check the clock but I hope this is improved in the future. I hate when I go to use the Cloud and it is flashing at me, mocking me, now you will have to reset me and wait for me to turn green again, it says laughing.....I know that you can just reset it anytime and get another hour, but it just seems like I am wasting both electricity and hours of the Cloud being left on.
I hope that you know that I am joking about this mostly. A couple of improvements that I thought of for this (but someone else has probably already posted):
1. have a visible clock that can display how much time is left until poweroff mode
2. have a "Medicated" button, that acts like a snooze alarm. Like if it is set for 10 minutes, you hit it once and it turns the Cloud off for 10 minutes, and it takes the Cloud about 10 minutes to warm up and go green, that gives you 20 minutes to go do whatever and when you come back the Cloud is green and ready to go. So if you were going to come back in hour you could hit the "Medicated" button 5 times for 50 minutes, plus the 10 minute warmup. Anyway hope some of that made sense
Thanks for trying to read my rambling review, I guess I took a few hits off the Cloud on the way. Back to more testing and hopefully a video once I get a camera that works

Hope everyone had a good 4th of July and weekend!