Director of Vapor Research Labs™
Nope again...I'm not sure if they are allowed, but I wouldn't get into a hissy fit about it. Maybe that someone who got a transfer today has been around for a couple of years and has been part of the community for say more than 2 posts?
bluntcrush: I don't get it man, are you sure your E isn't defective or something? I mean you got no vapour even at like 220C+? I just don't see how the E could suck so much for that particular batch of herb you have and yet the Cloud kick such ass. Something doesn't add up here, or the only thing I can think of is the amount of herb is in such a small area in the EZB, and the E bowl is just bigger and less "compact".
My EQV has been used non-stop for two years (it's on vacation now except for when it's called in for some head to head testing sometime and likely not all that soon

And SM: I will be submitting some vids for sure (and soon) Watch this space!!