Finally coming up for air guys...all I can say is: "wow!"

I have now had the opportunity to try out the cloud with a few different pieces of glass and at various temps. I'd have to say my favorite piece so far is my Sovereignty 60MM bent neck. You can see the can get filled up with (literally rolling) clouds and you can easily see it milking up beautifully!!!

I also certainly love the diffusion and taste I get from the Sovereignty HT! It is also IMO the easiest to use. I haven't had anyone try it out yet except my wife and I, but I can say that I am sure the noob factor is very low with The Cloud. Right out of the box it will blow you away even if you dont have a lot of other glass!
The enclosure is beautiful! I like how it is sort of wood grained in an almost homage to log vapes (of the future)

The case gets warm, but not hot. I have found that when using it with toobs it is best to hold it down around the legs, and with an HT hold it with your thumb on the logo and your fingers wrapped around the back. It is very well balanced and feels good in your hand

The power cord is nice too, it is a good length and where it comes out of the back of the unit is very comfortable. The heater core (metal part around glass tube) gets hot which is why it is clearly stamped with the word
HOT. I don't see any need to touch that area, so it is kind of a moot point, but just something I think worth mentioning.
As far as temps used, I have been hovering around noon or sometimes 12:30 if I am using a bigger tube. I want to take some time to experiment with below 12:00, but honestly I have been so impressed with the magnitude and taste of hits so far that I have just been kind of hangin' around there. 367F is supposed to release the more cartoony and euphoric sensations that are so much fun in social situations. So I am hoping by lowering the temp a little I will be able to control the effects more easily. Definitely more testing to be done in this area so stay tuna-ed!
I have never really packed an ELB more than 50% full and it provides a lot (plenty) of hits! You could stone out 2 people with pretty high tolerances with 1 full ELB, I am sure. You want to keep hitting it, and hitting it, but wow...I don't think I have felt this medicated for quite awhile. A few good hits are all ya need!
I still plan on posting more pictures and videos soon, I have some well deserved time off coming so I will get a chance to introduce some more of my buds to The Cloud and gather their impressions as well! I can't wait to hear about more people's experiences!!
We are part of a very special fraternity now guys! Thanks to team VXC we are finally experiencing what I like to call: "Luxury Vapor"

Cheers everyone!!!