So IIRC, in the past we have discussed the possibility of a smaller ELB, but it never really went anywhere. For the most part, I had forgotten about that discussion, and have grown to love the ELB. However, I still find that I rarely fill the bowl, let alone go beyond 1/4 or so full, unless I'm demonstrating it's ability to vape a full bowl in one hit, etc. The other morning (saturday morning, around 1 am) I was cleaning my old Extreme Q Elbow screen, which I use with my Supreme vape, and I started to wonder about using it with the Cloud somehow.
The first thing I tried was putting a regular ELB cap into the EQ Elbow screen. The EQ elbow screen is larger in diameter than the the ELB is, so the cape sat loosely in the EQ elbow screen. There wasn't really any useful connection between the EQ elbow screen an the ELB either, so I sat the ELB aside. I sat, just wishingI could somehow use the EQ elbow screen to vape. It was the perfect load size (for me) and seemed like it would vape really well, being slightly wider than the ELB, and being far less deep.
Finally, I thought about this one ELB cap that I had run over with my computer chair, about 7 months ago. (*ELB SAFETY TIP* if you ever drop an ELB or cap, and are in a rolling char, don't roll away to look at the'll probably end up rolling right over the bowl/cap, mutilating if not destroying it.) I took out the mangled ELB cap, and started to reshape it using the end of a sharpie (as per someones suggestion here)
Once I got the cap to look like it should (sort of) I sat it on a desk upside down (like a top hat...rim of the bowl facing down) and used the back end of a Sharpie to indent the cap. (see pictures below) With a little bit of molding by hand, this made the ELB cap fit nice and snugly into the EQ elbow screen, creating a mini ELB.
Here are some pictures...
In the picture above, the top two squares show a regular ELB cap and the bottom two show an Extreme Q Elbow screen. Notice how the diameter of the steel rim of both bowls is the same, but the EQ elbow screen is slightly larger in its capacity, due to design.
In the picture above, the left hand side shows a regular ELB cap on top, and on the bottom, the ELB cap that I inverted with the sharpie. The pictures on the right hand side show the inverted cap as well. To get the cap to look like this, set it upside down like the cap in the top left of the above picture, and take the end (not the end with the cap) of a sharpie, and push down in the center firmly. You can push and mold the edges to fit into the EQ elbow screen better.
There are three reasons for inverting the cap the way that I did.
1, it makes the cap more shallow, so it doesn't push as far into the bowl(EQ elbow screen) leaving room for medicine. you can't really pack meds in the EQ elbow screen, and put the cap in, unless the cap is inverted like shown above.
2, it leaves room, so you can pack a shallow bowl, as shown below, or a full bowl, as the medicine can go up into the underside of the cap.
3, it makes the caps diameter slightly larger, allowing it to fit snugly into the bowl (EQ elbow screen) won't stay in the bowl at all otherwise.
In the picture above, you can see the assembled Mini-ELB (EQ elbow screen+mangled/inverted ELBcap) with a regular ELB/caps for comparison.
And in this final picture, above, you can see the MiniELB loaded, and in the Cloud.
Here's a it in HD
*Edit - Sorry for the back to back posts. they can be merged. I meant to edit the previous one, but accidentally posted this instead.