All due respect but that's not really re-crediting. In effect it's selling the customer something extra that they didn't want/ask for in the first place, and VX get the shipping at ELB cost price- I can see why you'd want to do it. Is this the policy for all such returns? I hope I don't need to send mine back.We understand that it will cost you money to send the HydraTube back to us so we would re-credit you with the monetary equivalent in ELBs. I will have Phil/Troi reach out to you with a good workaround shortly.
All due respect but that's not really re-crediting. In effect it's selling the customer something extra that they didn't want/ask for in the first place, and VX get the shipping at ELB cost price- I can see why you'd want to do it. Is this the policy for all such returns? I hope I don't need to send mine back.
vape4life...I think you will find the manufacturer's presence on this board to be much more comforting than what you exerienced in the Solo thread.
My opinion is don't worry about QC issues, if you happen to have an issue, i am confident SM will take care of it. He even offered to replace my Cloud because of a scratch (see my earlier post with photos) on the back of the unit. No way am I sending it back!!
All due respect but that's not really re-crediting. In effect it's selling the customer something extra that they didn't want/ask for in the first place, and VX get the shipping at ELB cost price- I can see why you'd want to do it. Is this the policy for all such returns? I hope I don't need to send mine back.
SM @ Honestly I think you're doing a great job...remember guys this is not a giant company with many facilities around the world ... I guess some expected this to be 100% awesome from the start...this is the price you're paying for having it the first.
+1 This is why i'm so into what's going on with warranty issues, because being from outside the USA, I CANNOT afford a malfunctioning cloud, meaning return shipping (even though it's not your fault and were raped UPS brokerage fees and shipping). I don't think that's fair at all and especially for customers outside the USA. IMO, VXL should swallow the shipping if there is a defect found. Swapping for ELB's isn't the solution since most buyers would be buying extra ELB's off the bat and maybe don't need any extra's.
Yeah that is exactly why I went for the Vertigo. Just couldn't risk a faulty HT and having to ship it back from the UK. Fingers crossed UPS treat it gently! If not, things might just get medieval for the deliveryman...![]()
All due respect but that's not really re-crediting. In effect it's selling the customer something extra that they didn't want/ask for in the first place, and VX get the shipping at ELB cost price- I can see why you'd want to do it. Is this the policy for all such returns? I hope I don't need to send mine back.
Surly you think there shouldn't be any problems but you are inexperienced in producing a new machine!You can include me in expecting to be 100% awesome. If you have been here from the start you will see MULTIPLE posts justifying the waiting and delaying, and waiting, and how it WILL be 100% awesome because of this. Many were defending and asking if you would rather have a rushed product or WAIT and be rewarded. Well, surely it's a disadvantage to be an early adopter, but for the dollars this machine costs, I IMHO PERSONALLY don't think there should be as many problems with these things.
I'm thrilled with SM's response to address the issues, and i'm hoping they all get resolved asap.
Some of you said something about Arizer support - well you can't compare them to VX simply because they have been in this industry a much longer time and been selling in mass production.
Another "claim" that you are not from USA therefore this warranty issues is a problem - well honestly, its your problem ! its not their fault that they only produce this in USA for now.
I accepted the fact that due to my whereabouts, my cloud won't receive warranty...but you know what? I don't care supporting VX in what IMO should be the future of vaporizering...if in 5 years from now they are the big makers of vaporizer, you can say proudly that you've been with them since the beginning when it still had problems.
Many times shops or consumers do not want to buy pieces from an artist that have been water tested. It's a hard decision to water test too because sometimes there isn't a lot of time to dry out all the tubes properly, lack of access to distilled or purified water, and the fact that some people feel as if the piece isn't "new" because of a water test to ensure proper functionality.
Can't wait to have my ELBs to use the Cloud!!!
Since when did reimbursement cause the world to collapse? lolWith all due respect this is normal method that is applied every company these days!
No one "gives" money back - this would cause the world to collapse.
This is they way refund usually works...
Also for those concerned about paying UPS fees twice, when you fill out the customs invoice be sure to write "Return of
broken unit for repair at original manufacturer" on the "Reason for export" question. You won't be charged brokerage/import twice if you do that.
You have accepted that you won't receive a warranty because of your whereabouts? That's a pretty tough pill to swallow when you have a HT that doesn't work or cloud is messed up. Bye bye $500. If I was rich sure, but unfortunately most of us won't take that risk. Even in Canada I EXPECT to have a warranty, it's just that I will have to suck up the shipping and possibly have problems with the law with a tarred up HT (or whatever parts are hard to clean). There is a reason Arizer NEVER wants ANY glass parts back in a warranty.
Since when did reimbursement cause the world to collapse? lol
There's a difference in my mind between a later warranty issue and when something essentially arrives broken or damaged, and again it's maybe different when that's due to poor QC rather than circumstances out of control. At the end of the day it's about happy customers. I sent back a faulty bean bag cover yesterday and the retailer emailed me the prepaid postage label to print off. Other times I have had the charges refunded to my payment card. Even ALT, who have a fucked up customer policies, do offer a refund on return shipping it it arrives damaged. So I don't think I agree with your definition of normal here.
I will say I agree with a lot that has been said on both sides of this QC discussion...
Forcing someone to purchase extra bowls is not a credit. And forcing someone to pay INTL shipping is also BS...and btw lots of companies do contract with shipping companies that include return shipping labels.
SM55 what is exactly out of stock (tubes or units) and how long are we talking here (I know you guys love hearing that question).
Why are you still comparing other companies to this company?
I think you all are missing the point
Again and again...
VX are not rich and are not big, you should think about all the time they put for this product and all the problems they dealt...
I don't understand most of you - you should support them as much as you can even if it means to spend more money...
Please think longer than this week,month or year
This is the very beginning of a possible revolution and in time VX will grow and be able to help out and give more - don't you think its cool to remember that you were the first (the lab rats)
I'm certain that each of you will be remembered...and I'm sure VX would please you more when they truly can...maybe who knows in 2 years you'll get a free glass - I dunno I'm just saying
I understand your exceptions for quality... VX could have made this pre order USA only and then a lot of you wouldn't even seen the machine.
I wish more people thought like me...but since you all know how to run a company and produce a new product then there's not much I can do...
I will say it again : I am willing to help out = I am not rich, in fact - I'm pretty sure 500$ is much more of a deal for me...I live in a country where the minimum wage is 1100$ US!!! my wage is nothing compare to most of the people here ... so 500$ for me is like 1000-1500$ for you.