I used to do a lot of affiliate marketing, so this is my idea. I'm very high right now -- but let's see if I can explain this idea proficiently...
Step 1: Search and compile a list of highest traffick Cannabis fan sites (use alexa, and etc.)
Step 2: Contact site owners on the top 5-10 [or x amount] in order to arrange...
Step 3: A mini-contest -- "User who buys a [select participation item, could even be small donation size for signed thank you letters] VXH T-shirt (for example) gets put in a free Vapexhale Nimbus raffle [select x amount of winner Vapexhale units per site] -- also for those who want to be sure they can get a Vapexhale Nimbus before official release & to get a discount for supporting us, check out our indiegogo fundraiser [link the indiegogo page for more eyeballs on the fundraiser]."
Step 4: Set the [x amount of] VXH Nimbus units aside to send to winners.
Doing it this way will generate much more traffic to your cause and will bring in more $500 and $1k supporters, because it's a deal with perks over just buying it when it comes out, and there are people who are interested in VXH but don't have one yet. (Which is why it is also a good idea to have the web site editors on your team edit the VXH homepage to link to the indiegogo campaign, that is essentially the order page now, since on your site everything is out of stock and they can't purchase at all - a traffic flow that can be better pointed to buy.)
On other sites, you'll get possible stickied forum threads (high traffic, they stay prominent in forums as continual reminder), announcement posts on web sites (like a page linking to a post on your contest, more eyeballs sent to it), and etc. Then you will have a lot more traffic generated toward your indiegogo campaign, which should average about $2.5k a day if you were to hit the $70k goal.
Definitely try to do this on r/trees, as they have half a mil subscribers.
We already gave it a shot with the upvoting on the relevant subreddits. I'd do this instead.