The funky/nasty bad taste is almost completely gone. There is only a tiny hint of it left.
I cleaned the top glass part with a qtip and iso. Not sure if that had anything to do with it.
Sing it from the rooftops, Meremoth!
It's a crack, I'm back yeah standing
On the rooftops shouting out,
Baby I'm ready to go
And my Cloud is ready to go
From the rooftops shout it out!
Ruth...Ruth...Ruth...BABY! RUTH!
It's a crack, I'm back yeah standing
On the rooftops shouting out,
Baby I'm ready to go
And my Cloud is ready to go
From the rooftops shout it out
@ Meremoth. Hey youuuu Guuuuuuuuys. I wanted to say that so bad, then realized you already had. Damn. I had very similar thoughts and feelings on the SSV/LSV vs. The VXC as you did. At one point i compared the VXC to the LSV/VHW and the old Magic Wand. Truly all feel like a chore after the ease of use the Cloud. This is simply speaking on ease of use, and not even considering that the VXC is just damn better at delivering the goods. I used to buy new vaporizers every month or two. Since i got my first non-beta VXC i have purchased a lot of glass, a backup VXC, and the Zeph Ion to protect my Cloud from drunks and degenerates.
This links my commercial review and comparison to the other top water vape tools at the time
To anyone who has yet to take the plunge, you won't regret it. There is still bumps in the road in the manufacturing process but bottom line is the product is excellent. Good, i thought i might ramble further but garage work is calling me, and my lawn needs some attention. Cheers all.
The SSV really does feel like a chore/work compared to the Cloud.
Here's probably the greatest difference for me. If I ever tried to get my herb as dark as the Cloud gets it with the SSV, I would end up combusting. Not to mention I would really have to pay attention to how I was hitting it, and even if I did everything perfectly, it would still get no where as dark as the Cloud gets it.
The fact that the Cloud can turn your bud black without combusting is truly remarkable and the best thing about it. It's so fucking efficient. You know you're getting absolutely everything out of your herb, which is great for someone like me that's really OCD about that kind of stuff. I kind of feel like I wasted a bunch of flowers with my SSV.
I'm sitting here looking at a bag of my ABV that's from my SSV and it looks totally different from the ABV from the Cloud. The Cloud ABV looks like a velvety, smooth black. The texture of it even looks different. The SSV ABV is more of a grainy, rough brown.
I get retardedly high off of every hit with the Cloud, without even trying. With the SSV, not every hit was the same; they weren't all equal. And I pack the tiniest little amount in the Cloud. Less than I did in the SSV and I get more quality hits from the Cloud.
Oh and the lack of drag is another fantastic thing about the Cloud. So much drag on the SSV. To get a decent hit, your lungs had to work really hard for it. The Cloud feels as easy as just breathing. You just breath in the vapor. You don't suck, you don't pull, you don't hit, you just breath it in, at least with the VX Glass Mouthpiece.
I know I keep comparing it to the SSV, but that's the only other vape I have ever used. I'm not trying to bash on the SSV or anything.
Still thinking about getting a HT, but to be honest the VX Glass Mouthpiece is so fucking good I don't even feel the urge to get a HT.
I truly think everyone should own a Cloud. I think there should be government funded plans to give everyone in the world a Cloud. I know I'd rather my tax dollars go towards that then most of the stuff it goes to.
Damn Meremoth went nuts but I think I like you lol and with that sloth from goonies avatar I couldn't stop laughing lol
You know how when you get really intoxicated, or when you spend a lot of money on something to justify it in your head, or when you get anything new, you can get overly passionate about something that you normally/calmly/logically wouldn't be that enthusiastic about, then the next day you wake up and remember how you felt the night before, and you just don't have that same feeling or fervor...
Well, I can assure everyone this is not the case. The Cloud is
the fucking shit. The bomb-diggity. The
crème de la crème!
I was thinking about getting a portable vape, but think I would just end up disappointed now having used the Cloud. Maybe, one day, VX will release a portable Cloud. I wonder if that was one of the future plans they had that that asshole manufacturer gave away to a competitor? Whoever that dude is, he needs an ass whoopin'.
Check this out. I'm so high right now off the Cloud I almost couldn't type that last sentence. I feel so passive and non-aggressive/non-violent right now. I don't think I could even hurt a spider right now, and I can't stand spiders.
I want to try out the same hot chocolate milk trick to clean my cloud buddy and then drink the Chocolate. It worked well for my Solo stem but I don't use my solo enough to get the nice golden honey buildup. Are there any tricks to making the cloud buddy get dirty faster and buildup the yellow honey from the vapor? I put my cloud on the outer edge (more dangerous

) but having the vapor cut around corners makes the buildup faster. It seems to build up better when the glass is warm but would misting it with water help make it stick better? The solo stem milk chocolate trick really made a nice relaxing Saturday. I can only imagine what a cloud buddy after a few weeks or even a month of buildup would be like.
Say what now?
You put hot chocolate milk in your vaping apparatus and shake it or let it soak or what? Please explain.
I know this has been said before but i was just asking for someone to reconfirm.
I had the vapexhale cloud with some friends (1 who hadn't used it)
i explained to him the whole ELB method and how it's packed into these little bowls.
next minute i turn around and he's about to pack green into the vapexhale cloud itself!
i stopped him just in time but the tiniest bit dropped in the cloud and combusted.
I turned the cloud off and blue out the smoke but can this seriously fuck up the cloud?
It was the tiniest bit but the red combustion scared me.
I don't think that will mess up anything.