Sith I care
$AU are actually worth slightly more (3-5%) this past year or so, but currency conversion fees eat enough that you can essentially treat them as the same for mental maths.
anyone knows who are the EU vendors?
Vapefiend is the only one I know right now.
My Cloud + Swagger cost me A LOT less in VF that the price in Lacentralvapeur, their prices are really crazyok, thanks b0. I know also has the Cloud.
350$ or 450$ to 785$ is a huge step...
Even from the official price is a big step ($574.99) I don't know a lot about MSRP's, just that it don't let distributers to make his price lower, but can they charge that much more? Weird!
VF was selling the same package at $580, almost the official price in VXL.
Nice.. i'll check VF then. I though the centralevapeur price was a little steep but i usually see the US price being retailed in euros. Apple products for example, if its 600USD then i see it here for 600EUR, and i see that happening with a lot of different products.
The Solo, before the 160USD price was always ~200USD/~200EUR.. it still is in most EU vapostores.
Planning to do just that, using a variable aquarium pump and some MacGyver skillz. Purely for science, though. Daily driving is always gonna be moisture-conditioned.
(The bag system on my Q should convert easily to the Cloud with the right gong adaptors...)
You know, that reminded me, has anyone here ever rigged up there cloud to use bags on it?
It's fucking glorious. You never realize how good bag vaping can be until your holding a bag that is so thick with vapor you literally cannot see a spec of light through it.
That would be an awesome addition. Right now I'm just plugging in tubing to the bottom and filling the gap with teflon tape. The bottom part of the tube does not even get that hot actually. Then I either blow manually or plug in a air pump.
Re those looking to use a bag...A member named Egzoset (spelling?) came up with a solution for several units (any really). It involves creating an enlocsure for the bag, and connecting the bag to the vape, then creating a vacuum in the enlclsure, around the bag, causing the empty bag to inflate, but pulling vape from the Cloud. He (egzoset) used this method to replicate pulling by the mouth, VS pushing pumped air through the material. This makes the bag suck the vape in.
LOL its funny to finally have an all glass pathway with direct draw and then comeback to the oldest most awkward method there is...bags
Never liked them and never will!
Cloud bags should be a shitload denser than most native bag vapes. The Q in particular is terrible at filling them densely, since it has a crappy, tiny fan that builds no static pressure, and no proper seal around the fan even if it could. If they were gonna use a fan instead of a pump, it should've at least been centrifugal instead of axial, which only develop any real flow in free air. A pump would require putting a one-way valve in the airpath to allow inhalation, though, which would add cost (or just making the pump a separate unit like the Herbalaire).
If your Cloud "mysteriously" starts combusting when it didn't before, clean it.
I was not only trying to help you, but was also illustrating how that help can be available here on this forum. However, people have to WANT to help you . . . post what you will but if your trying to embarrass me, I'm sorry, but I have no ego to bruise. Take careI don't actually have that problem. I was making an example..I could post alot of embarrassing text right now but I'm holding it back...
Exactly This!!LOL its funny to finally have an all glass pathway with direct draw and then comeback to the oldest most awkward method there is...bags
Never liked them and never will!