Well-Known Member
Damn, I was waiting for your review!
It seem like they need to redo the Web for the warranty of international clouds. I think you would be better contacting them through his Web.
I can tell you a bit out my first impressions. Supposedly i have the cloud plus model.
a few things surprised me.
These are more observations by the way just mainly opinion based..
1. It still gets REALLY hot despite a supposed heat-shield.
Like it's not the point where it's painful but it's like holding a cup of tea hot or something.
Like if this is it with the heat-shield then it must of been a near torture device for previous users!
2. I tested out pulling from it and sometimes it makes a really loud whistling noise..
However sometimes it doesn't. Sort of random but it can be really loud and annoying.
3. It feels really well constructed to me, looks nice, i really like the design of the vapexhale logo on the front and the hydratubes look very sleek.
4. Depending on what angle i'm hitting the thing from it can sometimes be in a position where it blocks
all airflow and i can't hit it properly. Is this normal? Seems weird to me.
5. I tried feeling like it was to take a hit without any material in it haha (hey don't judge, i've waited 2 years for this thing) i'm assuming this is something that shouldn't be done because there should be a padding of weed in place for the heat to absorb. but anyways i took a fake test hit to see what the airflow was like and it burnt my lip! lol (at 12 aclock)
6. It definitely seems hot to me. Vaping at 12 seems like overkill at the moment. I may stick around 9-10 likely. I read some people vape at 4... is that even vaping? o.O
7. The cord is stupidly short. The design for this makes no sense. Me and my friends will basically have to huddle around the closest powerpoint and i couldn't imagine feasibly passing this thing around without some sort of extension cord.
8. There's scratches and paint chips. NOT what i'd expect for a vape at this price-point.
9. Also about the heat, the screws on the side of the unit get really hot.
10. Heat up time seems pretty fast. Appears to beat my volcano.
11. No proper packaging. This isn't a big deal i guess but i find it weird to buy something this expensive and have it come in a brown box with packing-peanuts. Like any other vape on the market comes with a nicely designed box with some information about itself. The Vapexhale came in a brown box with no user-manual. If I didn't know anything about the cloud (Which luckily i do) i'd be like wtf..
I think the user manual not being there was a fault on AusVapes part because they do have it listed..
Personally i don't care much.
12. This is a bit off topic a less of a first impression and more just something i noticed but the guy at ausvapes himself says he prefers the Volcano.
And youtube vape reviewer TheBestVaporizer says the same.
13. At the moment i still haven't properly tested it so i can't give a full analysis on which is better Vapexhale Cloud or Volcano. Personally i think i'm going to go with the vapexhale.
People are making some silly complaints comparing the two in my opinion though. The main one i hear is that the volcano tastes better but i think that's just cause there's no water filtration. I'd like to try hitting the Vapexhale Cloud dry and seeing how it pairs against the volcano. In my opinion fresh vapor through glass tubing MUST be better than stale vape through plastic bags. The main reason i got the cloud is cause i found the whole bag system annoying, it's mainly more for parties, not for solo seshes. The Vapexhale Cloud seems like a doper option for solo things. Less easy to use and more fragile but in the end a better experience potentially. My main issue with the volcano was NOISE. When the volcano pumps air it's loud, the bags themselves are made out of this plastic that's really loud. And in the end i'm usually just waiting for this loud machine to fill and a noisy bag so i can hit it through my waterpipe.
Now instead i think i'll be able to surpass those issues and just be able to quietly take nice fresh hits with my cloud hooked directly into my waterpipe.
Anyways sorry for going on heaps long.
Just hopefully that helps people thinking about buying the cloud.
Those are my critical first impressions.