So I pulled the trigger on getting a hydraline and can say that I have absolutely no regrets.
I feel like it produces the smoothest vapor out of the hydratubes. The wider mouth opening (2.7 cm diameter vs. 2.0 cm on my hydratree and 1.9 cm on my hydracirc) is a plus in my book. Originally I wasn't into how it looked, but it's grown on me. I still think it looks a little funny sitting on top of the cloud, but as a stand alone piece I think it's beautiful.
When it's upright, it stands pretty precariously by itself; I have much less anxiety with it lying down. However, I have a custom hydrastation coming from tstat that will remedy this problem.

The hydrafeet shown on their fb page are pretty sweet, too.
Not really a fan of the splash back, but a few pieces of ice and/or slower draw solves this problem.
As a few others have mentioned, it's much smaller than I expected. From the pics on the vx website, it looks like the hydraline is the tallest of the hydratubes. obg also mentioned that his hydraline was taller than his hydracirc.
However, as you can see my hydraline is the shortest of the three hydratubes. I know that not every piece of glass is going to be exactly the same, but is this large a variance in height normal? Anyone else have a short hydraline?
It's not that I'm not happy with my hydraline. In fact, I prefer the smaller size. I was just curious about the variance...
Anyhoo... I feel that it's time to finally post my thoughts on the cloud. Many have already sung the praises of this mighty device so I don't have a ton to add. I
will say that although the first hit from other flower vapes that I've tried (pax, t1, mflb, volcano, solo, ud) has always been tasty, I think that the first hit from the cloud takes the cake.
I've been using a flower/hash/flower sandwich in my ELB's with the cloud at 12. HO-LEE-SHIT! Smooth and delicious hits, dense clouds, and excellent extraction of actives. 'nuff sed.