same here i got 2 extra packs. of the 10 bowls I have one had a thread come loose, but i just bent it back and forth until it broke off. had no issues otherwise
OK i think im ready to post my review... brace yourselves....
The Vapexhale Cloud review
Main features
- Best tasting vaporizer I have ever used. There isn't a burnt popcorn type taste when the bowl is near spent.
- Will provide great clouds that are sure to please everyone.
- Amazingly thorough extraction of herbs, it just stops producing vapor when the herb is spent.
- Glass passthrough system offers fantastic flavour
- Glass passthrough system is very safe (healthwise) with the only part of the system that is not glass being the ELB
- No learning curve. Just inhale as you please. The harder you go, the harder the cloud goes... so those of us with decent lungpower and capacity will enjoy this more than my weakling friends.
- Screws could have used some sort of cover to insulate your hands from the heat since you hold around these parts. (very minor gripe)
- Sometimes, the unit gets a little too hot at the top to easily hold. They suggest holding at the base, but I feel you should be able to hold it up at the top too. (again, minor gripe)
- You must be mindful as not to risk breaking the glass parts this vape, it's a little more delicate than most vapes and requires you to be extra mindful imo.
-Has the potential to reek your house to high heaven of delicious weed smells (really sinky strains = really stinky vapor lingering for20 min to an hour or so.). (Use a window/exhaust system/ or a sploof if smell will be an issue for youor jsu7t use weed that isn't stinky)
Build: This vape feels well built. It has a solid double metal housing that holds the cyclone cylinder. The exposed screws are the hottest part to hold and I would mention it to someone new to the Cloud about it as I would not want them to drop it from the surprise. The unit is smaller and lighter than I expected. Seven and a half inches from base to tip. The cord is a nice quality cable. I am like an over protective parent with this thing. I tuck it away in a drawer to protect it when not in use.
Heat up time is about 7 min, when the light changes to green (to get to 10:30 position) Like the forum members suggested I wait a little more (usually once the ticking has gone silent)
The unit gets warm, but not at all to the point where it is hard to hold. ( I hold it at the base as the instructions suggest.)
Noise: The ticking that has been mentioned is not loud enough for me to be concerned even with nothing else on in the room it sounds to me like an old computer fan. I like to wait for it to go silent. Using the sound of silence as an indicator, it tells me the unit is done heating up.
When in use there is a faint whistle created by the turbulence the unit creates. The sound of the bong is louder than the whistle noise itself. So again the sound of the water pipe is my loudest part of the equation.
I like to use the Cloud at the 10:30 position I find I get between 5-10 great breaths, at which point I will dial it up to 12 o clock and wait a minute. During this time I empty out the bowl and regrind the material. (The same way as I would do with my mflb) doing this gives me another 3-6 more clouds. better strains will last longer ime.
I load about 0.2 - 0.3grams of material into the E.L.B. (Easy Loading Bowl) . I don't pack it down, it's all loosely packed in there. At first, I was surprised at how fast I plowed though my supply of herbs since getting this vape. It's so much fun to use and tastes so good, I just love it. Most of my other vapes use less per bowl but I don't care becasue the performance of the extraction is worth it. I have gotten my excitement down to 1-3 elbs a day for personal use.
The number of rips you get per ELB is completely dependent on how potent your product is, the temperature you are using the cloud at. all combined with the speed at which you draw and the volume of your inhalation. I find it hold between 0.2 and 0.33g of herbs to pack it full. (My preferred way as I think it's tastier)
This is the best tasting vaporizer I have ever had the pleasure to use!(I hear the VHW is still tastier but again that's because it requires a larger pack of herbs still!) The thing about this vape that really shines in comparison to all the other vaporizers I have used is this: With all of the others, the first hit is very tasty, the 2nd is the most potent, but usually not as tasty as the first and all the rest are diminishing returns taste and potency wise. Until it usually ends tasting like burnt popcorn or some other equally foul tasting finishing taste.
With the Cloud,
every hit is still tasty right until the end when it just stops producing vapor. Less intesnse as it was the first few rips, but still tasty.
The abv:
The cloud gets my abv to a "instant freeze dried coffee" like appearance with a golden colour before I regrind it down further into a powder. I re vape this at 12 and it gets significantly darker. It's evenly browned by the end of this. Sometimes (It seems to depend on the strain or maybe the freshness of the elb) when I take the abv out from the 10:30 roasting, I find the bottom half of the bowl is noticeably darker than the top half they both regrind down into powder no problem though, and after a 12 o clock roasting it's all uniformly dark brown. (Over time you will notice the ELB gets dirty at the top first and then slowly resins up and creeps down the screen. Frequent cleaning of the ELB is best)
At 9 o clock the abv is usually a yellow/green golden colour, you can get a lot of very flavourful tokes from it this way, but I find the 10:30 position more to my liking. It's a happy medium. I get a few more more hits from it like this and then I do my 12 o clock regrind and vape it again to finish.
One glitch that I have noticed on 2 occasions, is when using the unit at the 12 o clock position, the light will do this rapid dance between red and green back and forth back and forth. If I wiggle the dial and put it back on 12 it goes to solid green. This glitch doesn't seem to affect performance. I also haven't noticed it happen again for 3 weeks now.
I've had sessions go on over 6 hours where I have turned it off and right back on once the timeout had kicked in. A pro tip to counter the 1 hour timeout. When you are done using it. Flick it off, wait a second and flick it back on. You now have an hour before you have to come back to use it. Instead of whatever time was left on your current session.
I can't afford a fancy case for mine yet, so I have a memory foam pillow that I use. I put it in my backpack and fold it in half. I then slide the cloud into the pillow while holing it open. Cord up and pointed towards the 2 open ends of the pillow to ensure I don't damage the cord in transport. I then put the tube in there with it, or sometimes I bring my bong if I want to use water.
Whenever I can this is the vape I want to use over all others. It has become "my precious"