welcome back! and yeah dude this thing rocks.
I took it out of the house for the first time (been too afraid ill get it confiscated by the cops lol! )
it was a good friend of mines birthday and he will never hit it. he's always afraid he's gonna get too stoned.
but anyways the party was going, and one of the people there actually got carded for medicinal! she has (epilepsy) and might be joining the forum btw!
Everyone who partook had a good experience and i felt like class was in session, i explained the benefits of why vapor was so much better.
on a side note i wanted to mention something strange and amazing to me...
since getting the cloud and having a good amount of time getting used to it now... I feel it is pretty much safe to say the cloud has ruined my taste for many of my other vapes!

the first hit, or first few hits on all of them (volcano excluded, it tastes the same not matter what.) they lose their taste or even begin to taste undesirable. burnt popcorn? so when i am at home there is no other vape that im using my herbs in other than the cloud anymore.
so this leaves me to my portables. I have the thermovape, mflb, gn0me, and a few others but when i go to use them, i think to my self about how much better this same bud would be if i was using it in the cloud instead. so you know what I have fucking done? started smoking doobs! lol yes it's true, I have been smoking doobies again here and there! I had kinda forgotten about the high all the other shit brings along with it, and it's different. alot cloudier feeling (or a lot less clear for a better explanation) im still using the thermovape, but seriously I just think about how the cloud tastes, hits, and the effect it packs, and i can't get it from my other vapes.
so to you VapeXhale, i say, "please get you butts in gear and begin development on a portable cloud! my health depends on it!" lol