ding ding! exactly. this is the thing the bugs me the most...I wonder how many US customers would have already been blowin clouds, if they just waited on doing international orders until full production? Why would you want to estestianlly do beta testing or first release to overseas customers when you know you're going to have some problems (as with any first release)? Those shipping costs can't help the bottom line and not to mention all the time it's taking away.
On the other hand, this was probably a mistake that was going to happen, so maybe them figuring it out now, before heavy production might actually save them more money and time in the long run.
I agree with what venomous says.
@mistergyro, this has been said before, but I will say it again. Tha majority of issues being complained about, would not even be happening if it weren't for VXL's major transparency in this whole operation. From the beginning, anyone who has access to a computer with an internet connection, has had the ability to watch this vape be designed, built, changed, etc, right before there eyes. With everything being out in the open, they opened themselves up to criticism from all angles, around the world. This led to, among other things (improvements/ideas contributed from FC members, etc), Overseas folks wanting to have access to this wonderful vape. It was asked for and asked for, until VXL agreed to expand sales beyond the borders of North America.
So, again as others have stated. If you would rather not have the inside info, and all of the goodies that come with it, stop reading this thread, and wait until you can click "Buy it now" on the vapexhale website.
IMHO, had this vape been designed, etc, behind closed doors, we wouldn't necessarily be any closer to a full launch. I feel that the info/feedback/banter in this and the past cloud thread, helped move the process along. Think about it, had they been doing it all in private, there chances of discovering potential design flaws, issues, customer wants/needs/opinions in the product, would have been greatly diminished.
What I'm getting at, is regardless of transparency, and openness to the FC community, I feel that the VXL is doing a great job, and that this vape will be successfully released to the public, when it's damn ready to be! If you don't want to see all of this go on, and just want the Cloud when it's pure gold, than wait!
I apologize if my post is out of line in any way, or is useless. Delete it if need be.