Well-Known Member
I think that you should quit blazing joints.Yeah, I do like the groggy stoned, punch in the face high from combusting a potent kush. When I first got the EQ about 10 years ago I used it exclusively for about two weeks, then went back to combusting and never touched it again. When I got the verdamper about 8 years ago I used it exclusively for a little over a month, then went back to mostly combusting but still vaping once or twice a week. Got the plenty 4 years ago and vaped only for about a month, then back to combusting mostly. It's been the same with the mighty. Now after a few days of using the mighty I go right back to combusting. I use 1g-3g daily and combust 90-95% of the time unfortunately.
I'm probably gonna pick up a daisy because I like the vapman still. I was gonna get a lotus too, but from reading that thread it seems to have more drag than I prefer. Anyone know any other options for the daisy beside vaporstore on ebay? Vapefiend in the UK too, but way too expensive with CDN $ exchange rate.
If the verdamper, plenty, or mighty haven't been allowed me to quit significantly cut down combusting, I don't think a log will do the trick from what I've read. I think it's gotta be the evo, lsv, or daisy.
Yeah, I've tried highest temps.
Imo you have nothing to be jealous about. I didn't enjoy the sublimator at all and would never drop that kind of cash on it. Too much drag, just a head up high with no body effect, missing that feeling of relaxation, went through too much material and that was on my first try with a potent diamond og kush.
It's ok you get relaxation, the groggy feeling but that thing brings cancer, end of story.
You could add some edibles other than vaporization but.. Do you have to feel relaxed.. or stoned as a shrimp all the time?

You have tolerance trough the roof and you should reduce your cannabis consumption as a first step.
With such a consumption you would be satisfied only after vaporizing 20 Mighty bowls in 10 hours.
How can you expect a "weaker" high to satisfy you (not weaker, just different, more subtle at first)?
What you experiment as relaxation and like when smoking a joint is the sensation given by all that poisons present when combusting.
That groggy feeling is from your lungs full of tar and nasty things.
Smoking you COULD get cancer but smoking, especially A LOT, you almost certainly WILL develop a certain degree of damage to your lungs. Emphysema and so on.
You should prioritize what's more important in your life, a groggy feeling that brings death? If you have some motivation, reduce you smoking before cessation, start vaping, be patient a couple of weeks and then you should be good.
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