Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO


Well-Known Member
I had a quick question for anyone with the Swagger Showercap. I was a little over enthusiastic the first time I filled it and water leaked into the bottom chamber. I have been able to get 90% of the water out but a small amount remains - is there a particular method for getting the water out? I imagine knowing would be helpful for cleaning purposes too.
I don't use my HT/EVO regularly and when I put it away I want it to be totally moisture free so there's no mold growth. After cleaning the HT, I shake out as much of the water as possible & then put the HT in the oven on a low temperature (180-200F) for 10 minutes or so. Then remove it [with an oven mitt!!]- shake it again & put it back in the oven until all of the water evaporates. It usually takes another 10-20 minutes in the oven.

When I asked in the Glass Forum about drying glass in the oven I was told not to do it, but I still don't understand why. Anybody have a problem with this method?
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Vapor Sloth
When I asked in the Glass Forum about drying glass in the oven I was told not to do it, but I still don't understand why. Anybody have a problem with this method?
I don't have a problem with it but they were probably worried about glass expansion and cracking. Sometimes the slits in percs can be cut close. A small amount of thermal expansion could cause a crack. Using a hair dryer to blow warm air through the tube seems safer to me. YMMV . . . :peace:


Well-Known Member
Opened a support ticket on 04/30 sending a unit in to get repaired.
Told them to ship the package to my job blindly.
Requested for an order to be put in the same box (save them some money on shipping)
and have them both sent to my place of employment shipped blindly.

This is the e-mail I received today. I need to get these guys on the phone ASAP. I tried the (484) 453-8236 number someone posted here earlier but I have been unable to get in touch with anyone.

Today 06/02 I get an e-mail saying they shipped it in two separate boxes, to my old address, AND they didn't ship it blind.

Now they rerouted the packages to my job however they are not shipped blind. I don't see how they could possibly think this is ok.

JUN 03, 2015 | 09:23AM PDT
VapeXhale Customer Care replied:

I am extremely sorry but you will be receiving two packages, one with the extra items you ordered and another with your repaired EVO with complimentary items.

Furthermore, we apologize that both packages were going to your old address. It must be that this is the address that is saved in our system and I am not aware of being notified of shipping to a different address until just now.

I went on to USPS.com and intercepted the packages to be rerouted to the new address, unfortunately it is not possible to ship blindly at this point.

Sincerely sorry for the inconveniences.

Best regards,

Warm Regar


Well-Known Member
Is it normal for me to have to reset this thing practically every time I fire it up? Im getting combinations of LED, flashing green, red and green etc.


Post-Apocalyptic Renaissance Man
Only brown tint that I can see is on the welds.
And that's normal for a brand new ELB.
Every ELB varies in that - some are weldded nicely so there are no visible marks from that.
And some are welded more powerfully with visible welding marks.
Actually, when you can't see welding marks,then you can be worried that ELB could one day break.
All of my broken ELBs are those which had weak and not very visible welding marks.
Uglier is sometimes better.

Unsure if this has been addressed previously but, anyone know what are/is the filler metals/chemical composition of those welds? Bigger welds may be stronger but also equates to increased weld contamination from surface oxides. Yum. :uhoh:
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Well-Known Member
I am getting the hang of the EVO at this point I believe. And I'm producing countless clouds at settings 3+, nice and thick. However, I was hoping that the taste would be better than what I'm getting. It just tastes kinda muted and bland.


Well-Known Member
Thinking of getting an EVO but wondering about HTs - it seems these days the HTs with mouthpieces coming out of the side, at an angle, rather than straight out of the top, are more popular. Does anyone know the reason for this? Are they better in some way? I prefer the look of the latter..


Well-Known Member
Thinking of getting an EVO but wondering about HTs - it seems these days the HTs with mouthpieces coming out of the side, at an angle, rather than straight out of the top, are more popular. Does anyone know the reason for this? Are they better in some way? I prefer the look of the latter..

I'm not sure if there's any functional difference. I am finding that I prefer the mouthpieces from the side because it is easier for me to view how much vapor I am generating.
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Been Vapin

Fringe Class
I'm not sure if there's any functional difference. I am finding that I prefer the mouthpieces from the side because it is easier for me to view how much vapor I am generating.

You try the EVO with FC UFO yet?

Also try a lower temp. I like 10 to 2:30 with flowers. After a good heatsoak try 12 then increase or decrease depending on results.
Been Vapin,


Well-Known Member
You try the EVO with FC UFO yet?

Also try a lower temp. I like 10 to 2:30 with flowers. After a good heatsoak try 12 then increase or decrease depending on results.

I have done the EVO with the UFO. It is a great combo! Its not as tasty as Herbie or Underdog, but I think it produces much thicker clouds than Herbie. I'm fixing to try it through a few sets of whips with the UFO and see how it performs.

And thank you for the tip. I'll start at lower temps and give it a go.


Well-Known Member
Thinking of getting an EVO but wondering about HTs - it seems these days the HTs with mouthpieces coming out of the side, at an angle, rather than straight out of the top, are more popular. Does anyone know the reason for this? Are they better in some way? I prefer the look of the latter..
Sidecars also help avoid the splash back.


Active Member
newer evo units are quite powerful. if you have a brand new unit you can successfully begin flower extraction as low as 940pm and complete extraction before you have to turn it up past 11. if you crank it up past 12 and start vaping, maybe it's time to relax and think about what you are doing. take a breath and focus on your personal experience and start low. you might not see the "dragon cloud" on your first rips in fact it might be darn near transparent, but it's going to taste like heaven. assess your goals here, are you trying to maximize flavor? efficiency? maxmize vapor output? it's like going to college guys you might go on with one idea and come out having happily discovered another philosophy that suits you personally. also if you have any issues with material that is fresh or stale, essentially non dispensary level "top shelf" strains will simply not taste good. as much as the flavor of some jack herrer for example is powerfully enhanced by my evo, I do feel that a poor element or flavor is mAgnified when present. moist material, LEAFY material, poorly flushed, you know we've all had a bag of that huckleberry. evo shows you the truth, it's plain and simple. I personally cannot imagine turning up my evo past 1 maybe 130 for any purpose, dabs and firing my nails post dabs All suitable at this range. gee whiz, this is a problem I want to have! power to spare people!

the devices look that way new coming from the factory mine was the same. just had a rugged bamboo exterior some dust from all the cardboard and packing material they must use in some warehouse. could almost blame FedEx for that, I know tdub and others have found success with a hair dryer as I did right away. especially since there's an unheated air setting, it's perfect to blast the evo itself and hot air in my tubes to dry is a time saver. idk dudes I'm impressed with the patience a lot of you guys show on here. I've had my my evo for a couple months only, and I must say this shit is dirt simple. if you are purchasing this device and you have any doubts as to its capabilities to extract the best flavored possible, you're in over your head and you have too much money. now get that 60 dollar eighth that seems like robbery because it never lasts. you will be rewards as you slowly vape on it (should floor you) for a fricken week +. if you aren't getting serious mileage from your material, that's very noticeable while essentially taking fat bong rips at capacity that normally kills sacks . you need to invest in better stuff. that being said I've gone nuts on all this different glass only for use with my evo and really it's all fuckig great! I swear you cannot go wrong, it's just s matter of giving the machine it's due. while volcano had s way of making shitty weed tolerable, you know that volcano flavor where it tastes like chicken? that's one thing the evo won't do that for you
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Well-Known Member
Just got my evo in today- first impressions were that I turned it to noon, pulled like I would off a log vape and got a bowl that was suuper tasty but not very vaped and I wasn't quite impressed. (now I am thinking that maybe I wasn't drawing hard enough or didn't use the heat sink tech, not quite sure if @carlosod is using the heatsink method)

Then I tried one o clock and that was more my style, so I thought I would check what 2:30/ 3 o clock is like and it just vapes a packed load perfectly.

Now I'm seeing that my old abv was waay too dark and that this vaping gets me much more high.
I have a new unit but 9 o clock for a herb roast? maybe if u use that heat sink method or let it heat for a while, otherwise I couldnt see getting many clouds at all, would be the super taste though. I really want to try that heat sink method as long as it isnt bad for my heating element, it seems like an awesome way to get super low temps. But yea I wouldn't quite say that you can get huge clouds off of 9 o clock but then again this is my first use of it, I still found that only at around 3 o clock I was getting herb that is slightly lighter than a level 5 on my Solo, I honestly preferred this avb/high a lot more and I can feel the high much stronger with notably stronger punch.

My only complaint with the unit would be the whistle sound it can make which can actually get kinda loud if you are really chooching on it. But at the same time I learned a lot of different things, like for example you don't need to slowly inhale to load up a bong, I did this my first few times since I was so used to log vaporizers, instead just fucking rip it and get massive clouds! maybe this was my issue at the lower temps (not pulling hard enough) because I haven't tried that yet but am quite eager. I would assume that I have a quite new unit but yea maybe my slower draws at higher temps would've been better off as hard draws on lower fully heatsunk temps, definitely something I'll try next time I boot that beast up.

Edit: so high I forgot to post my Final response to the unit- extremely more efficient, tasty, and practical than the sublimator (I have used the herb and enail versions and hated both), way better than the verdamper for an all glass airway, and shit comparing it to like a volcano is just oranges and apples but to be honest I like the goddamn VXC apples a hell of a lot more than those oranges, comparing it to my old underdog I would say it is MUCH more stable, which is a huge factor for me as I don't want to knock over my vape which happened semi-often with the UD. Overall a 9.8/10, I'll take .1 off for the whistle and for my general concern of the heating element for the time being, this may make me raise my rating even further once I try using heat soak and other techniques- but using a new unit I found my favorite temps were between 1 and 3 o clock, this is however starting up from cold and not having it heated for say a half hour or so prior to use- I definitely noticed that once the heat started to sink into the glass it really was hitting really hard. Like goddamn hard man I am definitely gonna challenge my friends to pull through their water tubes as hard as they can and try to outmatch the vapor production of the VXC Evo, I think that's where it truly shines, when you are pulling hard and getting huge clouds beyond belief for my first impression.
Edit 2: that last sentence didn't even make sense but fuck it im not fixing it
Edit 3: forgot to mention how goddamn fast this thing heats up, like if you turn it on it will be hot by the time you have your bowl packed and glass out
Edit 4: Should I worry about general creaking once in a while as it gets cold or as it begins heating? it just sounds like expanding/contracting really so I haven't been overly concerned but would really like another member's opinion
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Apprentice Daydreamer
@tennstrong I think the cooldown sounds are from heater metal parts. It sounds just like my over when it's cooling down. These sound are mostly present on new units.

As for the whistle - have you tried putting the heat shield on? There is a velcro fastener on the bottom to keep it in place which also does a good job reducing (or even eliminating) the whistling sound.


Staff member
forgot to mention how goddamn fast this thing heats up, like if you turn it on it will be hot by the time you have your bowl packed and glass out
Just because the green light comes on doesn't mean that it's sufficiently warmed up IME. You'll notice that the performance is quite different if you let it get fully heat soaked after about 20 minutes or so. Give it a try for yourself.:2c:



Well-Known Member
Just because the green light comes on doesn't mean that it's sufficiently warmed up IME. You'll notice that the performance is quite different if you let it get fully heat soaked after about 20 minutes or so. Give it a try for yourself.:2c:


I have 2 evos. they are indiegogo fanatic and early bird models.
I recently got my bamboo repaired on the early bird and find that with this new version it isnt the case anymore.
Green means go. No need to heat soak. 2minutes is the same performance as 20. Its amazing they got it going so well.

now im kinda tempted to send my fanatic in since i need to heat soak for 20 minutes to get good performance. but i kinda like having the different iterations of it.

the new bamboo also produces vapor much quicker in the HT. it takes a few seconds to milk up my HT with my old fanatic, but this new one seems almost instant.

the new firmware also has some bugs ive never seen before.
sometimes it will turn the heat off and still be green, but it was supposed to flash red & green.
sometimes it will turn the heat off and led will just go off. then it wont turn back on by flipping the switch. I have to unplug and plug it back it to get it working again.

both those things happen so infrequently that i really cant be bothered getting it fixed, but its odd that ive never seen any bugs happen with my fanatic.
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Vapor King

Well-Known Member
Does the new unit need to burn off the "newness"
Is there a weird taste from the unit if you just draw through it with dry mouth piece or with no mouth piece.... either cold or warm??
Vapor King,


Well-Known Member
Nah but I've found that if im holding it and the whistle bothers me i can just adjust my hand slightly to cover the bottom a bit and that completely eliminates it, as well as being on top of some surfaces like my soft mousepad. Really enjoying it right now, I'll try heat soaking it for like 20min then doing some direct draws at 9 o clock or something to see those results. But as is, 3 o clock gets the herb roasted to full extraction imo, 2:30-2 is about a medium high, and noon and lower just seem to be all about that flavor.
Definitely trying the heatsink method, and I didn't get a shield with mine because I ordered from PV. I will probably get one later down the line with a vapexnail once I blow my own hydratube style piece for it. And for @Vapor King it smelled and tasted all pure dry and when heated, no burn off at all since the encasing is glass and the ends have plugs when you buy them so no internal dust. The only burn in I would think of would be for the stainless steel bowls, but honestly that is perfectly fine imo to go off the bat.


Active Member
VapeXhale is running a 20% off sale on any order on their website using coupon code "DAD". I had mentioned a few pages ago that I was taken care of by their support due to an issue I was having with their chillers. Basically, I was given a credit in the form of a coupon, "good towards any order" (their words), since they didn't have replacement chillers to send me anymore and to avoid a refund situation. The guy (who was really on point) was replaced since then. When I tried to have my credit applied to the swagger double hydra tube they are about to stop selling, the new support rep refused to apply the credit to my order if I was using the 20% off sale code. He stated that "the system doesn't allow us to apply more than one coupon". I was told I could not take advantage of the sale price and apply my credit. Nevermind that since I already know you can create custom coupons, he could have easily invalidated the original and just created a new one for a one time use with the order that would include the credit and discounts. Any shopping cart software would easily allow for this.

Anyway, I was annoyed at that response. I decided to use the credit coupon in one order to get the full adapter kit, female to male joint add on, some nails and a full-body heat shield for free. I had planned on eventually getting those to use my full setup with dabs. Then I placed a separate order for the tube with the "DAD" code and got an extra $60 off anyway. Wouldn't have even thought of that if the credit was just applied when I asked. I'd like to mention again that their support was still very friendly and quick to respond to my questions, but just a funny tale of how closing a support ticket too quickly can cost more than expected.

Vapor King

Well-Known Member
Limited Edition Fanatic HT by Swagger Glass.
Straight neck with ice pinches version.
Double chamber, circ to turbine.
Double reduction, 65mm to 50mm to 38mm.
16.5" long. (Size varies)


I know very silly question....and I know these are/were limited and were made one time for a special reason...... But how can I get one?? :lol:

I NEED something VERY similar....does anyone make anything close??

Such a sweet piece :love:
Vapor King,

John Lewus

Well-Known Member


Do you find the taste affected at all with your short hose? I do a similar setup as this when using my herbalizer and can't notice anything. I've never thought to try this with the EVO because I don't have the nail.
John Lewus,
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Do you find the taste affected at all with your short hose? I do a similar setup as this when using my herbalizer and can't notice anything. I've never thought to try this with the EVO because I don't have the nail.
I personally don't find the taste affected at all. I've tried it with about 15 of my pieces large, small, and Hydratubes same variety. The only noticeable difference would be the smoothness and harshness between pieces. The pieces i have that would be considered by most to be better suited for dabbing, i find to harsh for my liking. As long as the hose is short it seems to be a nonfactor.:2c:
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