I've already wrote down the silver ELB bottoms. Here is some more.
The joint looks bright white, which means so baked in yeloowing from heavy use.
Even it's ground finish doen't yet look smeared out by female GonG joints, which is probably the first visible sign of use I know of.
Then everything else we can see are some photosh of the Zytel finish. Some photos looks like it's a bit dirty, but that doesn't mean used.
My replacement came coated in dust, but it was brand new.
And that texture is normal for this Zytel material, I can't see any scratches or other damage to it.
But I think it probably is very hard to damage this kind of superplastic. But I won't try lol.
I've never seen any wear and tear even on my heavily used EVOs.
I've actually only seen a damage to this heavy duty enclosure on few faulty unit that went into overheat.
In that case these units basically turn into a little helk, the glass would go glowing white and melting and stuff.
In the most extreme of these cases, there were a little burn marks on the enclosure around the MOLTEN glass.