Sure! For VXN hits, I've been getting two long inhales off of it before the taste goes sour (11 o'clock).
Due to a shipping mixup I won't be getting the SideTree until next week. VXL did correct the error quickly though and it's on its way to me now.
I did however get my Mobius Clear Matrix bubbler today so I've got some new glass to play with in the meantime. I got this one for flowers and it performs better than the other pieces I've tried to pair with it. Hits are super smooth and is gentle on the throat which is exactly what I was looking for.
Combustion is the vape gods way of telling you to TURN DOWN THE FUCKIN' KNOB!.Damn, another combustion situation. This time it was with a Hamm EXO Diffy. I was pulling pretty hard, as this piece does. And it also had warmed it up a while at 2pm, maybe an hour.
I don't know if I should be concerned. I was using a clean ELB this time, too.
If you want one, now's the time since AquaLab is having their bi-annual sale. Cheapest piece is only $153 but it may be better to spend more on an 18mm one if you want the PV whip kit:Looks great! Thanks for the pic, I'd love to hit that piece. Must taste incredible with the VXN! Really liking Beer Glass at the moment, might have to treat myself one day soon.
that was the first time i heard about massdrop.If they find more people the price is suppose tho go down again i suppose (how you know was is the best price when its not reach?).The only thing whos keeping me back is the fact that i have already an hydratube(for the cloud but i suppose its fit this too) and never use concentrate...I'd pull the trigger. You won't find a better price (they are obligated to keep prices at 449) and with the glass and the VapeXNail it's well worth it.
that was the first time i heard about massdrop.If they find more people the price is suppose tho go down again i suppose (how you know was is the best price when its not reach?).The only thing whos keeping me back is the fact that i have already an hydratube(for the cloud but i suppose its fit this too) and never use concentrate...
So why hasn't anyone made a peyote pillar hydratube haha.
Now THAT is some glass I'd buy.
I've only dry-pulled one before but I love watching the videos -- the percs that let little poofs or tufts of white goodness (preferably vapor) shoot from the surface of the water and expand a bit into the can volume are what turns me on, and the peyote pillar does it so well. The matrix perc with a bit more water than most people like is a close second, but inside the can it's Lake Placid compared to the rough and tumble white rapids that form above the pillar.
We need this porn in the form of a hydratube!
Oh, I got a project for the weekend now, eh?Video link please![]()
Yes I'm "that guy" . . .t-dub are you the guy with the ultrasonic cleaner? I picked up a jewelers ultrasonic cleanser from Harbor Freight Tools for 30$. Load it up with iso alcohol and drop the ELBs in the bath, come back 10 minutes later give them a rinse and they are brand new again.
I'm thinking about buying one from massdrop in the next few hours.