I don't think he will be joining the evo club....
You might be able to dial it down for him. I do think the EVO's vapor can not only go white out. But the water droplets might even be finer.

Let's just say for now, I do think the vapor is finer and condensed than my other vapes if I heat it with your method. Otherwise, I didn't think I've taken a large draw until I exhale.
KIM your tolerance and your familiarity and maybe your friend will go for another try?
I also don't get as much out of conduction. Some people only know conduction vapes. The guy I tried my EVO out on had tried my EQ a few times and my portables. I hope your friend is alright and only ingested a lot for his tolerance level.
Your next post will be about him waking up on Tuesday & looking for another hit.
That's right. get back on that horse and ride. But seriously folks, not all vapes and vapists are on equal familiarity. So... vape responsibly.
And my pursuit of a well heated glass path got me right like you've been telling me right

And consider this my first 'official' EVO post. You saw the progression right here folks.
The ease of use and rotating 3 ELBS and my EQ skills make it easy to use and CIVILIZED. Past the worry stage and enjoying it FT. The ELBs are great for packing and leaving out to dry. Oh and the ELB that clearly was being used before is in my CFX to be tried out. So I transferred all the best from my EQ to the EVO. Cleaned my place and made a space for the HD and EVO before it arrived. Already found a glass with a heavy base that makes clouds look amazing. I love the aesthetic of the FCball. (Q: Can you white out the FCball so hard to make the inside bulb disappear? A:

) It has a few extensions. Since I prefer not to be looking down when I draw. And like to see the action.
My 1st notable DD. This is what you wanted from me right
@kellya86. O.K.

Had my fun with the Turbine. It is in a safe place. So I want to keep the EVO stationary. No stress with moving it around. Just switch out the ELBs. Right?
My '
@DDave' 18mm F/F. - It is the shortest adapter I scoured the web for my EQ. It's short, uses less glass and conducts heat well. It is also protecting the EVO's top and adds a little heat above the ELB.
My gooseneck hose is modular now. So I took a straight F/F and a 45 F/F and added my hose in between. click on my sig if you want to know more about the hose project I came up with.
I can have my FCball sit less than 2" next to the EVO at any angle. Unplug either the EVO or FCball end and let it dangle. Whether I want to change out or re-stir the ELB or clear or change out the glass, I can do it with no fumbling and one handed.