I haven't tried using 0.01 in mine (but I will later today and let you know). But I have the feeling that it won't be enough. The baskets are almost an inch tall, so I think even if you were to cover just the bottom portion (I also don't think 0.01 would actually fully cover the bottom), When you draw the air upwards, it will all just fly around in the basket and not get the chance to be sufficiently heated up.
However if you were to use another herb as filling in the basket, then that may help. A little movement in the basket is fine, but I think with 0.01 you will just be inhaling air basically.
I was also like you, I was using 0.01 for quite a while with my underdog, and then when I started using the evo, I had to use 0.1 and it got me ripped lol. it was great, but also obviously tolerance will build with continued usage at a higher dose. But that doesn't mean you gotta use it all the time, I was fine using 0.01 all week, then doing 0.1-0.2 for a day or two (but then you gotta think, how much is it worth to spend if you only gonna use it occasionally)
either way, i'll let you know later how 0.01 goes in my evo