Singer Song Writer Stoner
I don't know. Where you saw the glow is around the point the heater wraps the glass, the only time I've seen that is when the glass was cracked. I'm glad yours is not, but other than a crack or overheating (isn't yours a 220 unit?), I can't think of a reason. When you try the unit again, take note of any change in performance. With my unit, it was the higher heat and near combustion that alerted me to the problem before I noticed the glow.
I sold my backup EVO, which I now regret. I do still have my Cloud OG though, and that beast still works great.
Good luck!
OG Cloud...

Yes, my units are 220.
I just turned it on and tried vaping, all seems to be OK, I vape herb on 12 only and it seems to taste the same

I'm already high and mighty.