Finally got my Evo yesterday, Hoooray!!!

I was an IGG contributor and have been looking forward to this for along time now. I am going to give my initial thoughts and review. I would first like to give my background on vaping. I probably hit my first vape about two years ago and I have only used a few units. I own the Vapir N02 which is a cheap, semi-portable vape that simply gets the job done. Other than the fact that it doesn't charge its batteries anymore, I do like it. I have also hit and handful of vape pens/ pax type vapes, which are pretty good for something so small. A good friend of mine has the Aromed. I LOVE the Aromed! As far as I know it is the only other vape to offer water filtration. I was actually on the verge of purchasing one when I stumbled across the cloud and decided to go for it. I was sure that the cloud would be as good as or better than the aromed, it definitely LOOKS a lot cooler.
Unpacking and initial thoughts...
I was beside myself with excitement. Opening the box and laying eyes on this unit was really cool. The bent neck HT is beautiful! I have never owned a high end piece of glass before, Ive broken too many cheap pieces, So I am a bit nervous about having this...
So I immediately plugged in the Evo and set it at 3. I then set about filling the HT. I'm assuming the bottom chamber is supposed to be dry? It seems to have 3 chambers and the top two hold water, unless I'm doing it wrong. Please advise..
Evo had turned green by this point so, I dialed it back to 12. It took several minutes for it to go green again. I then turned to the ELB. I have read here that people pack these things at a third to a half full. Well, it holds such a small amount, that I just went ahead and filled it.
Moment of truth..... I put it all together, and proceeded to take my first pull.... Disappointed.

I only got a very thin, wispy, almost clear pull. Not like the big clouds puffs I had seen on videos. I tried again at the same setting, same result.. I then moved it up to about 2 and tried again for hits 3 and 4. I did get some visible vapor and a wonderful taste. Just not the big cloud that I was hoping for. I got about 5 or 6 pulls total from it before it started tasting off. I pulled out the ELB and the material was lightly browned. Darker than Im used to seeing from my N02.
I was definitely feeling good after my first session, it just wasn't what I had expected. I feel I may be doing it wrong or I have a faulty unit. All the videos I have watched of people using the cloud and evo show very thick, visible clouds. I blew mine at a lamp and it was barely visible.
Sorry for the long post. Could someone please advise if I'm even doing it right or how to trouble shoot to see if I somehow got a unit without the firmware upgrade.
Thanks and happy vaping!