I think we should have our own sleuths who solve vapor related mystery's. Or do we??

Nearly there. So what happens at 600?

Guess we will have to wait for a surprise?
Vape and glass cleaning day here. ELBs soaking in an ISO jar. I chose one with a square bottom so it is easier to fish them out.
Use a wad of japanese cotton or hemp fiber wad soaked and wrung of ISO to push through all of my glass. Reusable cotton and reclaim, instead of just throwing away Q-tips. Waste not want not, right?
Generally, I try to only use gentle tools to push them through like say with a wooden skewer. Never use brute force. Try not to use large clumps of cotton, to avoid tight situations. 100% ISO is more powerful than 90+% ISO I have found and evaporates quicker.
Made a fake Qtip tool and cleaned the middle bamboo section of the EVO. The other two chambers got literally squeaky clean. Like the sound of cleaning a pane of glass. That thing is clean as a whistle.
Meaning with the EVO it will make that tell tale whistle sound once I fire it up. This guy has something to say about whistle tones......
Now on to The HD. It first gets the wad of fiber used on the bottom area where the socket of the EVO meets the HD . And is also the sweet spot for collecting. Got a good sized morsel for my efforts.

I guess I could ISO the bottom half of the HD for a few cents of collection for the effort.
So anyway...I flush the HD 3x with warm water and put a rubber cork in the mouthpiece end.

This is so I can hold the HD sideways and swish the ISO around in a circular-like motion and agitating the liquid while getting that sheeting action. Add some more water application and more agitation. I unplug the cork and repeat 3x. Spotless!
Now since I have the rubber cork, I can tip the HD upside down and at 45 degree angles,etc. So with some wriggling, I can work nearly all the water from the bottom half back into the top half. I could just allow time for the remaining water to evaporate from the bottom. But I have this here EQ with a fan that will speed things up quite nicely.

Well now I'm GTG. Cleaned all my EVO gear and have a morsel for my efforts.
I am vaping at lower temps and getting in the habit of pulling the ELBs out after drawing more. If you do this, I find the ABV to be fresher for another turn. Often I will combine the contents of two ELBS into one.
Have to break myself of the habit of over-packing then combusting.

It is like the broils setting on an oven and to be avoided.
BTW. No word on the 'The Secret of the Vanishing ELBs' yet. To be continued........