@kellya86 is 420 respected where you live?
No....not at all....
Most people in the uk are completely unaware of the term 420....
I try not to consume cannabis for 8-10 hours after waking....so if I'm up at 7am, i can vape from 3pm, but usually not till 5 when I get home...
This helps my tolerance and allowes me to still reach where I want to be, and still use cannabis every day without fail....
I made a slight evo mistake last night...
I inserted my nail of qw kief concentrate, but then was distracted, I only left it for maybe 10 seconds, then I hit it....
I got a huge instant Whitehall, then dissipated really quick..
Upon inspection of my nail I realised the oil had climbed very high up the walls, away from the heat... this explained the dissipation of vapour....
Also my bamboo looked like a smoking gun for a while... I gave it a good burn off, inverted too...
All seems fine now and my bamboo seems clean.... lesson learned....
Ignore the children next time.....