O.K. So i'm playing with the dial more. It turns hard which is good for fine tuning. You don't have to really fiddle with it more than say 5 times an ELB. But yes it turns hard.
Trying to hold the unit with one hand and turn it quickly with the other. So If I set my temp and I know it will take a while to catch up. I can dial it back quickly until it reaches green somewhere on the clock then quickly turn it back to that desired temp again. Then count the seconds till green. Once I got good with turning the knob 3x fast, I could make out how fast the unit was ramping up by where the light would switch from red <->green.
The indicator light seems very responsive. Sometime when it is at the cusp of was dialed in earlier, it will flicker from red to green for a brief second. Was that a feature or should it be?
I like it when it does as an indicator. The flashing shut off timer seems to give me at least a 1m warning before going off. What is the duration for that?
The pass thru heat is amazing! I can heat up my EQ glass as if. The
@DDave tall adapter heats up real well and the screen is great for catching larger particles. Then I heat up the adapter and get vapor from that. I like a little more heat above the ELB and have enough of the choosy parts from the EQ to work with.

The ELB fits inside some of the 19mm and other odd glass that I have and can have it above the EVO.
Using the pipe reamer more with the ELBs. I will still need to ISO to get them nice. But it does break up and break off the more fused particles on the sides and bottom of the cap when I stir and break up the larger particles for another go.
I wasn't aware of this mod until your post, so thanks for that...
I just made a mini elb.....
Worked ok with just herb In it....
Its an eq basket with a squished
@DDave basket...
You beat me to it
@kellya86 with the homemade screens with good
@DDave screens.

Y'know this means more screen options, right? Have some EQ mini's that are now being shared with the other vape.