If you had my EVO that I'm hitting right now, loaded with some jack herer, you would not be able to kill the load in one hit. I will bet good money on this because I haven't smoked anything, weed or a cigarette in over 2 years and I have the biggest and healthiest lungs out of anyone I know and anyone I have ever vaped or dabbed with. That's a lot of people who all say they can rip huge hits because I'm from LA lol. I've taken half gram dabs many times and even basically killed a gram at a festival in colorodo over the summer. I'm not trying to be rude Man. I'm just saying if you have good herb and the temp isn't turned up to past 2 pm there is no way your extracting my whole elb in one hit lol. It is probably physically impossible. And I've tried.. First of all you would need to prime it first, the first hit is never that large and is always mostly flavor. Then even the second.. Unless you can straight inhale for like 1 minute your in for another hit man. I think you need a supreme v3 lol. U can load that thing up, heat to like 380 and it will look like smoke and you can inhale until your out of breath and it will just keep giving you vapor so thick you would think it was smoke. If your vaping at 3 on the dial your really going at the highest temp possible and that's why your getting 1 hit. Try lowering those temps man. More hits is more high for me, to a certain point at least, when I turn it down to like 10:30 I just get flavor, flavor, flavor and the effects come on slower but they are still very strong.
I can inhale for over a minute Oogen

haha ! ! I believe that whatever material you have may be more potent than mine but I don't know either. I have some Sour Diesel at 14% Thc and some Tahoe OG Kush at 20% THC .. The Tahoe takes longer to finish up the inhale most likely cause it has more THC but even at 20% THC I kill it with one hit.
Also, my EVO never needs priming? I always get the milky rip on the first inhale, When did you get your EVO
@Oogendoogan did they change it a bit throughout the years mine is new within the month.
@Stu That would be me if I went and saw you Stu! haha I just feel wrong if I don't finish the bowl in one hit, since that's how I've always smoked. Whether its 0.2 in a bowl or upwards of a gram, One Hit Bong Rips only, just works the best for me, now the evo replaces combustion but still one hit bong rips! Would be great to vape with fellow FC members some day. Where are the FC shirts so that when I walk around maybe just maybe we'll see another FC member with a shirt and connect
I should mention that I use a sovereignty g-line upgridded glass piece. It's one with a natty splash guard, I find it works so well for vapor because unlike the regular stemline, the G-line is smaller and more restrictive so it has a different pull which feels more like a vacuum than just a freeflow perc like mobius MATRIX or sovereignty STEMLINE. It works super well for the Aromed or Evo, makes great clouds in the tube. It's quite a large tube so there's enough room to milk up a hit before it starts to reach my throat.
My Gline is 75mm not 60mm natty , so it's as wide as a King Stem from Sovereignty but not as big overall, the pull on it is great for the evo! Simply google " g line natty neck 75 " to see what they look like/how they work.
THE HYDRABOMB IS VERY FLOWY. Easy to pull. It's like the new Hydra Tree
@Pyr0 I usually fill the elb halfway as well, unless I want a big one then it's 3/4 full (which I say is full) with some kief crystals!