Well-Known Member
Thanks for your thoughts!Well I may as well jump in on this scoop discussion, fwiw . . .
I bought a scoop from Amazon, IIRC one recommended on the OG thread. Just speaking for myself, the diameter of the scoop is too large for my preference. I wanted a tool that could fit all the way into the mouth of the ELB so that the herb just falls down into the bowl, or I could rotate the tool in the ELB to just drop its contents. Can't do either with the scoop I got. Clearly others have scoops that they like, so clearly just a matter of preference.
Instead I use a small measuring spoon designed for cooking food. Recipes often call for a "hint", "pinch", "smidge", or "drop" of e.g. a spice. I found an inexpensive set of such spoons and use the "smidge" with which it is easy to spoon herb from my grinder/stash case and insert that into the ELB. Very neat and easy. What I bought is no longer available on Amazon, but it's easy to find a source via Google. Here is one link with the spoon I'm using, only $6. Probably could find it on eBay, too.
Some folks are scoopers, other folks are spooners. But we all get along just fine.
At the price point these tools are at, I've resolved to just try both and see what I prefer. I always seem to find use for various tools eventually, even if not their intended purpose.
I have an affinity toward wood utensils, I found these smidegen-dash scoops in wood: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DEY8N98/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I have and like the scoop'n'stir from Ratchett but often misplace it and find it hard to pick up due to it's size. I briefly stuck a long ebony stem from Ed on the s'n's and it was just awesome but can't bring myself to sacrifice the stem. On the lookout for something similar but less dear.