Well-Known Member
I don't think I said it was? I said go for some China glass if you can't afford some legit stuff but the legit VXL stuff is worth it if you can afford it.. I prefaced that statement with the fact that I wouldn't be the type of snob to care about what kind of glass anyone uses when i said that because I didn't want to sound like one recommending a legit HT when everyone else was linking China glass. I am not sure why you called me out for one little line in a long post... But that's not what I meant at all lol. I think you simply read into what I said the wrong way lol. Have a good dayFrom what I noticed about this glass discussion, those of us that didn't recommend the Symbiartic clone didn't do so because it's not a good copy aesthetically or in its function. It wasn't about snobbery.

Edit: you really must be confused.. I said I wouldn't be the type of snob to only reccomend official VXL stuff and you are saying that you were telling him not to get a China piece because it doesn't function well.. I never even said not to get a China piece, I actually said if you can't afford the legit stuff China glass works fine.. I am really not sure what you are talking about..
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