Well-Known Member
Got my sunshine Ht from the gate yesterday , I am surprised it works really well , like @Mangos stated it has a bit of restriction but I find that aspect of it really nice for when using the nails as usually my friends pull to hard , I like it with flowers also , got more testing to do with it but so far I am happy. A small tip for those who purchased , fill it very slowly and be careful to not over flow into the bottom chamber , once you do it will take a minute or two to get the water out of there. Also pictured you will see my hydro tube stand I had recently got from @StickyBricks over at the http://www.jojowoodworks.com/home.html website and also my elb holder , very nice quality and work really well. The big plus is you wont hear glass clanking against glass with this hydratube stand as it is made of rubber I believe.