Went for a visit to the temple to worship at the alter of the Vapor Goddess yesterday. This means I was able to take that giant glob of grease I have been using in the EVO over to try in the Sublimator for a direct dab comparison. It was my last several sessions in the temple that led me to the fractional condensation concept of what was occurring, and yesterday was just as enlightening. I want to start off by saying that the Sublimator is smooth, delivers a really nice hit, and is a very fun/recreational experience. Despite being a glass break, burn, fire, and trip hazard, it has a certain charm.
When doing a dab with EVO, we are separating it into two parts. The smoother/lighter/tastier part we do want and the leftover, nasty tasting part we don't want. The differing flavors between these two parts are clear, as is the point during the hit when the change occurs. With the Sublimator the difference in the hit is very evident, you get the whole dab in one shot, the part we want AND the part we leave behind. You can tell the taste is the two mixed together with a sort of "tang" from the Sublimator itself and previous leftover flavors that continue to mix in. Its a smooth rip but the flavor isn't there and the effect wears off much quicker than with EVO. Because of the fractional condensation aspect of the device I feel the vapor from EVO is more complete, especially with flowers, you can feel it in the body and the length of effects. Oil/dabs are closer in experience between the two, however, the vapor from EVO tastes better and the effects last longer.
More thoughts l8tr . . .