well-worn member
My EVO doesn't seem to have this timer at all, I had it running for 5 hours no problem.

Lucky you, I know I would use my evo even more if it wasn't for the timer!
My EVO doesn't seem to have this timer at all, I had it running for 5 hours no problem.
I also like no timer better than a short 60 min one.
However in my case a missing timer is dangerous, when the unit is glitchy, and so could start overheating any moment...
Yes, the unit is not likely to start glitching and overheat when stabilized on green LED, but I'm still cautious as I've already seen at least one report of an overheat from green.
I'd be happiest with a timer anywhere between 90 and 180 mins.
Also I have two glitches that shuts off the heater that can happen anytime, even early.
Imagine heating up your EVO, getting a green light, putting your loaded ELB in, take a hit and get nothing because the heater is off, the unit is cooled down and the green LED is actually a glitch and the unit needs a restart...
...that sure is worse than a shut-off timer which at least tells you that the heater is off and than happens consistently and not randomly...
Lucky you, I know I would use my evo even more if it wasn't for the timer!
Check for affordable HT'sThat's too bad, but what I feared when I read your description of it. Only HT I own is the clear, standard, no-water mouthpiece. And seeing as how I just bought a Clear Matrix, a HT is out of the question for a bit.
Only tried the two cap method once, and it didn't go so well for me. It basically melted out and fell in my bubblerNeed to try it again and experiment with some cotton when I get back home.
Appreciate the info though!
separate adaptersWe had a few different attachments that we tried out that could be used right side up or inverted but due to the viscous nature of essential oils, it was very hard to create something that would be both effective AND wouldn't make a huge mess. Instead of creating something that would work sub-optimally in either position, we decided it would be better to make it work really well in one position. We believe we have succeeded and with the right technique, I believe we have found a new way for people to enjoy their essential oils with less effort and danger but with better taste.
@alltoreup - Thank you so much for that link. We have also already been playing around with different adapters so that you could use the attachment with other rigs. Look for our adapters to follow shortly. Quick question, do you think a universal adapter with 18, 14, and 10mm attachments would be more desirable, or separate adapters for 18, 14, and 10mm rigs?
I would read the thread or check your email. This has already been answered.So I have a 220v evo that worked perfectly, no overheating, no red/green issue for about 9 hours. The only problem is that the bamboo broke as the unit cooled down.
I don't know whether or not its worth getting fixed as it was seeming excellent but these units in general seem to be a bit of a miss.
What would you do?
So I have a 220v evo that worked perfectly, no overheating, no red/green issue for about 9 hours. The only problem is that the bamboo broke as the unit cooled down.
I don't know whether or not its worth getting fixed as it was seeming excellent but these units in general seem to be a bit of a miss.
What would you do?
Awesome, full redemption in my book!Vape Critic has redeemed himself after posting his much more favorable review on the EVO.
How long was the turnover for you guys? I just want to have an idea bout how much time I will be cloudless. I miss my EVO...
It was a week from the time they received my Evo to the time it was shipped back. I can sympathize with what you are going through.@macbill @fluffhead How long was the turnover for you guys? I just want to have an idea bout how much time I will be cloudless. I miss my EVO...
It's a pity that this Vape Critic guy, has faster accessibility than some of the regulars and people that really appreciated Cloud & EVO before, to the VapexNail.
I'm kind of surprised that at the end Vapexhale, needs to resort to this kind of guys to be seen by the noobs masses and general net consumer.
I don't know why IMO guys with dark glasses in reviews always seems untrustful to me. Maybe he has medical reasons to wear them or so...
I don't know why IMO guys with dark glasses in reviews always seems untrustful to me. Maybe he has medical reasons to wear them or so...