Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO


Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
Recent performance inconsistencies with my current dd meant busting out the treasured Evo to provide some heavy contrast. Oh boy, what a combustion fucking treat :rockon:

Go monkey!

Good on you, mate! You fucked combustion like no other combustion fucker has ever fucked combustion. But I'm biased. The EVO remains my daily driver. In fact, for home use I've not used anything else going back to my Cloud "ticker" model (11 or 12 years ago?), which I break out every now and then. It still rips. For me, it's vaporization nirvana. Stonemonkey for the win!


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
Good on you, mate! You fucked combustion like no other combustion fucker has ever fucked combustion. But I'm biased. The EVO remains my daily driver. In fact, for home use I've not used anything else going back to my Cloud "ticker" model (11 or 12 years ago?), which I break out every now and then. It still rips. For me, it's vaporization nirvana. Stonemonkey for the win!

Amen. My Vectra EVO has been my daily driver since the release. I also have a Cloud. Fired it up some months ago just for the helluva it. Good grief, that thing gets hot. But it also vapes soooo powerfully. I haven't seen any desktop since the EVO that is remotely as powerful yet smooth.


Socks And Sandals

Well-Known Member
So tell me fellas, Is that person that supposedly fixes these things still here? Seeing as these things only last me two years tops at a time, I'm thinking of selling mine while it's still working. Has anyone here had their Evo fixed by this forum member? I'd like to speak to this person and to some of you who got their units back from them so I can make a decision to sell or keep mine. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I have mine since 2018 and had the same thoughts but I haven't found another desktop that compares.


Well-Known Member
Is it common for these units to 'just' break? I mean is it more technical issue (electronics failing) or user error (glass breaking)?
I'm really torn between the cloud Evo and the da buddha.

I might lean towards the da buddha as it's known to be kinda unbreakable if I'm not mistaken.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I'd be interested to know what components fail on these, and if it's related to frequent use or not. Maybe it's something that can be upgraded.

If my evo broke and I really needed a desktop, I'd probably just design and build a more compact version of the "18mm insert-able top and hydratubes" desktop device. That or, more likely, lean hard into induction heaters and stem devices.

My evo lives on my computer desk, taking up valuable space along with it's large hydratube on a stand. I never use it, but I like having it there plugged in. My other devices are smaller and fun and hit hard. Every time I DO use it, I'm blown away by the exquisite vapor and effects, and say I should use it more. So maybe I should use it more.

I had a DBV for years prior to the EVO, and feel it's a top tier. It's the first vaporizer that showed me vaping can feel exactly like smoking by full spectrum extraction. I tried for years to mod it to make it like an cloud/EVO, unsuccessfully.


Well-Known Member
I'd be interested to know what components fail on these, and if it's related to frequent use or not. Maybe it's something that can be upgraded.

If my evo broke and I really needed a desktop, I'd probably just design and build a more compact version of the "18mm insert-able top and hydratubes" desktop device. That or, more likely, lean hard into induction heaters and stem devices.

My evo lives on my computer desk, taking up valuable space along with it's large hydratube on a stand. I never use it, but I like having it there plugged in. My other devices are smaller and fun and hit hard. Every time I DO use it, I'm blown away by the exquisite vapor and effects, and say I should use it more. So maybe I should use it more.

I had a DBV for years prior to the EVO, and feel it's a top tier. It's the first vaporizer that showed me vaping can feel exactly like smoking by full spectrum extraction. I tried for years to mod it to make it like an cloud/EVO, unsuccessfully.
Even the baller mod didn't convince you?
I haven't used both units for quite a while now, so comparison is kinda hard but in my mind they are more or less the same haha.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
The baller mod didn't exist before a friend borrowed it, damaged it (limited edition, too! :(), and bought it from me. In my experience with it, I don't think the baller would have fixed it's shortcomings compared to the EVO. You gotta remember that even with the LSV vertical heat cover glass, it's not held in there sturdily, so using a hydratube on top would feel sketch.

The evo rules rules rules for exactly what it is, and I'm sad the market of desktops went in the direction of "hot unsafe unshielded chunk of metal set loose on your desktop ready to burn you and everything you love". It's a step backwards in design when Vapexhale showed us the true and righteous path.

Fortunately, at least one log vape manufacturer is using balls and GonG connections and probably making the truest successor in this design. With a long waitlist, sadly. We'll get there eventually...

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I really don't miss mine at all? Meh

I guess it's all relative what some people consider safe and effective etc. Depends so much on the home and those occupying it, along with whoever will be using it... It is a shame it was never able to evolve further however, still a one of a kind design truly!

Even the baller mod didn't convince you?
I haven't used both units for quite a while now, so comparison is kinda hard but in my mind they are more or less the same haha.

Yeah I know 7th floor, specifically DBV, durability and longevity supposed to be really top tier, but if you are not using it often anyway, is that really something to consider?? You could always buy another DBV, at a low price, later on if you wanted... LSV is harder to get now since it was marked for discontinuation, but if you are using it with the wood upright stand like Alan makes, that is the one that could most likely be a direct comparison to use the same way as Evo (but as mm was saying with the joint connection etc, it is just not going to be as secure, it is also not as efficient, with such a different heating element that is much more limited in my experience actually)

Fortunately, at least one log vape manufacturer is using balls and GonG connections and probably making the truest successor in this design. With a long waitlist, sadly. We'll get there eventually...

RBT herbalTherm is doing that new 4MD log as well, seems like a strong alternative to the GTR from Alan, and could be a decent replacement for Cloud Evo functionally


Well-Known Member
The baller mod didn't exist before a friend borrowed it, damaged it (limited edition, too! :(), and bought it from me. In my experience with it, I don't think the baller would have fixed it's shortcomings compared to the EVO. You gotta remember that even with the LSV vertical heat cover glass, it's not held in there sturdily, so using a hydratube on top would feel sketch.

The evo rules rules rules for exactly what it is, and I'm sad the market of desktops went in the direction of "hot unsafe unshielded chunk of metal set loose on your desktop ready to burn you and everything you love". It's a step backwards in design when Vapexhale showed us the true and righteous path.

Fortunately, at least one log vape manufacturer is using balls and GonG connections and probably making the truest successor in this design. With a long waitlist, sadly. We'll get there eventually...
Oh I see your point now. I was just comparing them efficiency wise, not the design itself.
The buddha of course doesn't work with a hydratube the way the Evo does, that's something very unique to the Evo I think, as you mentioned.
Just curious, what log vape are you talking about?


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Oh I see your point now. I was just comparing them efficiency wise, not the design itself.
The buddha of course doesn't work with a hydratube the way the Evo does, that's something very unique to the Evo I think, as you mentioned.
Just curious, what log vape are you talking about?

I think the evo is more efficient and actually allows you to microdose, as well. But I'm really here for the hydrotubes. Lifting one of those up to clear is a unique and fun experience, and the "vape and glass in one compact unit" really appeals to me. It's just so freakin neat. I have an evo whip setup I've never used, probably because the DBV completely cured me of that desire.

I am trying to avoid talking about other vaporizers in a product specific thread too much, as per the rules, but your question was answered just above:

RBT herbalTherm is doing that new 4MD log as well, seems like a strong alternative to the GTR from Alan, and could be a decent replacement for Cloud Evo functionally

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
trying to avoid talking about other vaporizers in a product specific thread too much, as per the rules, but your question was answered just above

Yeah since this product is discontinued, the rules about suggesting alternatives can be a bit more relaxed as they have been in other similar threads... However you are right still best to not go off topic, I think there is already a thread in Ask FC asking for Cloud Evo alternative suggestions though anyway?

I had a whip set up for my Evo, so I could use it keeping it upright in regular glass and not just tubes, I think I tried using it direct with the whip a few times? Partly led to selling


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
I'd be interested to know what components fail on these, and if it's related to frequent use or not. Maybe it's something that can be upgraded.

My evo lives on my computer desk, taking up valuable space along with it's large hydratube on a stand. I never use it, but I like having it there plugged in. My other devices are smaller and fun and hit hard. Every time I DO use it, I'm blown away by the exquisite vapor and effects, and say I should use it more. So maybe I should use it more.

The most common failure of course is a break in the bamboo. Besides obviously just dropping the unit, there have been units with an assembly defect where the bamboo has not been fully secured in the guts and so it moves making it more more vulnerable. Large hydratubes add risk because of the ease of tipping or breaking off the bamboo joint. I've seen both hydratubes and ELB's from 3rd-parties that were imprecisely manufactured causing a lock on the joint which, if the user is not extremely careful, can break the bamboo while trying to free the tube.

As far as the electronics, I think there are three points of potential failure. The first would be infant mortality of the circuit board, but boards nearly always only fail when they are brand new. The second would be the power rocker switch but again, that is very rare. The third is the heater sub-assy which includes the analog rheostat; this was an issue with the original Cloud and I've seen it fail on the EVO.

From what I remember Seibo saying, the EVO had an extremely low failure rate due to the electronics; when there was a failure, it was usually in the heater which I suppose could be subject to amount of use. But most failures were due to assembly flaws or with the bamboo.

My Vectra is from the second production run, and it is still as perfect as it was on day one. It's my daily driver. My backup unit is nearly as old but very infequently used, and it still works like a charm too.

EDIT: This link shows how to disassemble the EVO. The posts citing this link indicate that a torx 8 is needed to remove the screws. Not recommended unless you really know what you are doing.

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
So tell me fellas, Is that person that supposedly fixes these things still here? Seeing as these things only last me two years tops at a time, I'm thinking of selling mine while it's still working. Has anyone here had their Evo fixed by this forum member? I'd like to speak to this person and to some of you who got their units back from them so I can make a decision to sell or keep mine. Thanks.
I’m here! I’m just super busy with life. I will let others chime in (if they want) on my capabilities. If you would like to talk with me or for me to share with you my services, you can email me at brokedownchalice@gmail.com

Have a beautiful day and we don’t talk, happy trails.

Mine just stopped heating up, was never dropped.
Either a wire connection issue or a bad board.

I am on my second unit which I bought in 2021, tbh I don't use it very often however I took it for a spin over the weekend and it is still a great vape, made me think I need to use it more.
If you use flower, it’s the healthiest vape out there. ❤️


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Love a video without music in the background so I can hear the rip! Thanks for sharing. I forget that I have those concentrate tubes for the EVO. I keep tossing around trying concentrates again with all the new cool portables and electric rigs, but talk myself out of buying into a whole ecosystem for it.

I really should, since I bet the helio and concentrate is splendid. Hmmmmm


Well-Known Member
Is it common for these units to 'just' break? I mean is it more technical issue (electronics failing) or user error (glass breaking)?
I'm really torn between the cloud Evo and the da buddha.

I might lean towards the da buddha as it's known to be kinda unbreakable if I'm not mistaken.
I’ve never experienced any problems with my VXL, but I don’t use it very often and tend to baby it. the DBV/SSV, on the other hand, are virtually indestructible. You can work the hell out of those without having a second thought.


Well-Known Member
My OG showercap hydratube took a fall yesterday and the perk inside broke off. I am looking for a replacement.

Any suggestions?

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
My OG showercap hydratube took a fall yesterday and the perk inside broke off. I am looking for a replacement.

Any suggestions?

Oh I just replied to you in the cheap glass thread haha if you just skim backwards here I think you will see the last suggestions I was referring to there?? should be links
Shit Snacks,
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