Hello all, I am about to fly to the UK from Australia, with a stop over at Singapore. Will taking a brand spaking new never used vaporgenie coil be a problem. I understand that e-cigarettes and such are completely banned in singapore but cannot find out if this ban applies to dry herb vapes too.
I think they are more worried about lighters exploding under pressure or ecig batteries going on fire in the hold to be honest.i doubt they would even know what to do with a coil,if they found one,being honest.
I have flown many times from Brisbane to London.most recent trip was last october with my TI vapcap.the coil is a good bet and i have done it a number of times.it never raised suspicion.just make sure its spotless and put it in your hold bag with some pipe tobacco.empty your jet lighter of fuel before flying..there are notices now at check ins that mention all lighters are forbidden in hold luggage.
better still, buy a lighter when you get to london..most tourist shops sell cheap jet lighters now.
Before your flight home,make sure you iso or acetone everything ,put in a new screen or torch a used coil screen red hot with a tweezers to clean it at least.
Thats the easy part though.that 22 hour flight can be a test for anyones sanity

My tip is to Stretch your legs midflight and wander down to the goodies bar at the back of plane.free drinks and snacks with passengers and the cute SA hostesses sure help the time pass quick.
I take a TI vapcap with me now.its easier,more discreet out and about and i find flavour is superior.only issue is i have to remove the vapcap orings before iso soak for the flight.they seem to swell in iso if you soak them too long making them unusable.
You cant go wrong with the coil though.good times..enjoy your trip