Just need to mention my experience with
@Pipes PSM. I received my Unit March 2019, within a month something had gone wrong with my unit. No heat up, even though the voltage meter indicated a full charge. No response from the click of the button.
I reached out to Pipes and got a response within a couple of hours. He had me open up the IH per his YouTube video to confirm if the connections were intact. After a couple of inspections we concluded that I’d need to replace the driver. I explained to
@Pipes that I’ve no experience with the configuration of a device like this and was very reluctant to touch any connections myself.
My new driver arrived a couple weeks later....Those were some of the longest days of my vaping life, but I was looking forward to a functioning heater. I quickly disassembled my PSM (I was becoming a pro at this point) and swapped out the driver per
@Pipes instructions. Plugged the unit back into the charger to reset it. Lowered the cap in and looked for the glowing LED. In a matter of minutes I was back in business.
My PSM has been running strong for a good month now and I was honestly hesitant to jinx it by telling the story to this moment....but I feel it’s important to share.
In the realm of conventional household products the PSM is not perfect, and owning one is not the same convenient buyer experience as getting a nice blender from the local department store...but
@Pipes is a special breed of vendors that stands by his product and is here to guide his customers (and sometimes even people who just want to build their own versions of his product) to a satisfying end-user experience. I can say that I’m confident recommending his product to anyone...You better believe I’m eyeing that Caldron as well! Cheers! And thanks again
@Pipes !