Adjustable Resonance Induction Heater ( 12 V ) with TTL ( or CMOS ) PWM signal input
( from a microcontroller ,for example )
As the previous circuit ,but with a different
MOSFET gate driver
UCC2720x High Frequency, High-Side and Low-Side Driver )
and a
single channel signal inverter
MC74VHC1GT04 Inverting Buffer / CMOS Logic Level Shifter )
at the
Low-side gate input signal ( LI ) in order to invert the
High-side gate input signal ( HI ) ,allowing the use of a
single input PWM TTL ( or CMOS ) signal .
The two 10K resistors are used to securely drop the signal to ground ( VDC ) ,
when LOW .
UCC2720x Application Information
To effect fast switching of power devices and reduce associated switching power losses, a powerful gate driver is employed between the PWM output of controllers and the gates of the power semiconductor devices. Also, gate drivers are indispensable when it is impossible for the PWM controller to directly drive the gates of the switching devices. With the advent of digital power, this situation is often encountered because the PWM signal from the digital controller is often a 3.3-V logic signal which cannot effectively turn on a power switch. Level shifting circuitry is needed to boost the 3.3-V signal to the gate-drive voltage (such as 12 V) to fully turn on the power device and minimize conduction losses. Traditional buffer drive circuits based on NPN and PNP bipolar transistors in totem-pole arrangement, being emitter follower configurations, prove inadequate with digital power because they lack level-shifting capability. Gate drivers effectively combine both the level-shifting and buffer-drive functions. Gate drivers also find other needs such as minimizing the effect of high-frequency switching noise by locating the high-current driver physically close to the power switch, driving gate-drive transformers and controlling floating power-device gates, reducing power dissipation and thermal stress in controllers by moving gate charge power losses from the controller into the driver. (...)
More info about MOSFET gate drivers and high frequency MOSFET switching :
Also search for "
TK5Q65W_application_note_en_20180726%20.pdf "