Aimless Ryan
Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
I'm just about to leave the hospital. I'm nowhere near healed, but I'm going home, and that's probably good.
Glad to hear you are finally home at least. You should not have to live with that fear and hopefully your efforts and the current legislation you are mentioning will stop that kind of thing.I will never call 911 from Grove City again. I am legitimately afraid to, for multiple legitimate reasons. And that may be worth some money. Instead of helping me with my femur that was broken into at least three pieces, one paramedic decided it was his job to search my home. So much more.
You can also ask one of the staff for any further questions about posts. Also it helps to see if anybody else has asked your question or covered the subject already in one of the threads. Look forward to your first impressions.Feeling the love over here. Thanks everyone! But I'm so old, I can't figure out how to start a new post. I don want to interrupt someone else's again. I've been lurking for a while so a lot of names seem familiar to me already.
I can't believe it, but the UD is at my post office already! That's just three days ... and now the UD shall rise! I will be posting my experience once I get acquainted. (If someone can explain how start a post, please guide me ... I feel soooo old)
hey everyone, it's been a long time since i wrote in. been busy enjoying my UD! i love my little econo-dog. she has probably saved me more money conserving my meds than i bought her for! i love her so much that i might be willing to risk taking her to europe with me this summer (i can't imagine going a month without my beloved vape!!). i was wondering about how to solve the power issue and if anyone has travelled abroad with their dog before & had advice.
i received my order of new nylon stems. they're so short and cute! i didn't realise that the old ones weren't adjustable? i've been adjusting mine this whole time (got my dog last fall). and oh geeze the ambrosia maple up on the site right now is so tempting!!
@Aimless Ryan i'm so sorry to hear about the shit you've experienced![]()
Could I power the UD with one of these?
for a portable solution
Here is the battery pack/charger that Underdog recommended, and that I bought. Along with six Panasonic 18650 batteries. It was difficult to open the battery door, and it took a long time to fully charge, 5 hours from 35%, but other than that it works great. It's adjustable in 1/2 volt increments. I run my dogs at 12 and 11 volts. The dogs seem to work just like they do with the buck boost as a power supply.
I have one of those and while it's a decent (thought expensive) 'little' VVPS it doesn't take batteries so wouldn't be of use for a portable solution. It just a standard AC wall powered VVPS unit.
A battery pack and batteries would work though, we discussed those a 'few' pages back so you can probably scroll back and find some links, etc pretty easy.![]()
So I could get one of those portable AC generators, strap it to my back, hold that VVPS in one hand and the Underdog in the other right?![](),160_&refRID=13MEW7XEQQSZEXFNEQZ2
This seems like a solid unit for the dogs. I like that it doesn't go up to 15V-20VDC like some of the others do so there's no risk for someone to set it too high and burn out a dog. It seems to have a good spread of voltage settings for aroma, standby, and full power modes. @underdog what do you think?
EDIT: here's another one. I'm on a roll!!,160_&refRID=13MEW7XEQQSZEXFNEQZ2
Either one of those MIGHT work but they both have fixed outputs and nothing in between.. so like the second one you'll have to jump from 9v to 12v.. no choosing anything in the middle. To me that would make both unusable for a vape.
You'd probably be better off spending an extra $10 and getting on like this with a true variable voltage output:,160_&refRID=0NMHVK0EYZ2XXT314RQW
Well, 12V works for me during sessions because I can fine tune temp by adjusting the stem screen. That would give me 6V, 7.5V, 9V for standby modes to keep it warm, depending on how long I want to go between sessions. That leaves 3V and 4.5V for aroma which are the min and max you have listed on the FAQ. What do you find to be the sweet spot voltage for aroma?Either one of those MIGHT work but they both have fixed outputs and nothing in between.. so like the second one you'll have to jump from 9v to 12v.. no choosing anything in the middle.
Well, 12V works for me during sessions because I can fine tune temp by adjusting the stem screen. That would give me 6V, 7.5V, 9V for standby modes to keep it warm, depending on how long I want to go between sessions. That leaves 3V and 4.5V for aroma which are the min and max you have listed on the FAQ. What do you find to be the sweet spot voltage for aroma?
I'm not sure I need true variable voltage based on my usage, rather just a few positions on a dial for aroma/standby/vape. Less is more type of thing.
Well, 12V works for me during sessions because I can fine tune temp by adjusting the stem screen. That would give me 6V, 7.5V, 9V for standby modes to keep it warm, depending on how long I want to go between sessions. That leaves 3V and 4.5V for aroma which are the min and max you have listed on the FAQ. What do you find to be the sweet spot voltage for aroma?
I'm not sure I need true variable voltage based on my usage, rather just a few positions on a dial for aroma/standby/vape. Less is more type of thing.
Yes, thank you for helping Ryan. And for also taking some of the sting out.I want to thank @underdog and @underdogette for offering me a replacement for my beautiful, brand new Missy Pod Dog, which was taken from me during an illegal search of my home on 4/27/16, along with all my other vapes, gear, and medicine, while my right leg was in at least a few more pieces than usual.
You can achieve a different high at different temps. I think that's why most people have them. Also, I suppose to go a little higher to push the edge of combustion or for concentrates. Another use would be to lower voltage when not in use to ease the wear and tear on the heater (if you like to have it available for 24/7 use, that is) and for aromatherapy.What exactly is the benefit for getting a dimmer, Will its stay hot at a lower temp for a longer time than when at full power? Usually I use the nongs as one hitters. Would a lower voltage get me 2 hits? Or am i just over thinking this lol
What exactly is the benefit for getting a dimmer, Will its stay hot at a lower temp for a longer time than when at full power? Usually I use the nongs as one hitters. Would a lower voltage get me 2 hits? Or am i just over thinking this lol