I've decided I'm going to spend a good 2 months or so with my coco pup before I post a lengthy review, so for now I'll give a quick rundown of my first week with my pup as my sole driver.
This is my first and only vaporizer, so I can't say if it's better or worse than others, but I can say it has easily replaced a lighter! The Vaping experience has been very refreshing and relieving as I was never fond of smoke. The taste of vapor is...on a new level and tastes very similar to hash, a pure oily freshness. I'm pretty sure vapor hits are stronger than smoke hits, too. And the bong water stays extremely clean! It actually takes on a nice hash/vapor smell (after many stem loads) that is somewhat appetizing...I may try drinking it! The hits are very smooth, potent, and tasty. Vaping is hands down better than smoking in my book.
Now to talk about my vape. It's really pretty (sorry I don't have pics, you can check the UD website for glamor shots.) I contacted Dave on this site and we worked out a plan for a custom pup. It's made of my favorite wood, cocobolo, which is a very heavy and beautiful wood from Mexico and Central America. My pup definitely has some heft! And because the wood is so dense and oily, it doesn't need to be finished, so I get to feel the bare heated wood in my hands. Feels nice, man

. I also like to hold the heating port to my nose and gently exhale and feel the warm air come back at me. I pretend it's dog breath

. I got the custom stainless heater. I can't tell it's in there, but I like the peace of mind

. I want my pup to last as long as possible with as little issues as possible.
For the stems: I got two of each of the GonG, nylon, and silicone stems so I could see what I liked best. I think the GonGs are my favorite, but then I have a nylon stem in my hand as I'm typing this. I like the seal of the silicone, but it does feel cheap and it smells funky. I may want to get some of the simple glass stems in the future, but will definitely be getting more GonGs.
I also got a 30' extension cord and I can recommend it to everyone. I can freely roam anywhere in my (small) apartment without unplugging. It didn't even seem to cool my pup down, but I haven't fully investigated into that.
The only thing I'm bummed about so far is that I heard these log vapes were supposed to conserve your stash. My ABV pile is, well, already a mountain. I know I'm definitely at least partially to blame because I've been having so much fun with it, but it still hasn't shocked me with its ability to conserve like I've heard other people report. This could very well be due to the user, though! I'm interested in what I'll have to say in a couple of months. Regardless, it's certainly not worse than smoking.
Here's where I'm going to talk about the customer service. Dave is a really great guy! I mean he's a real person/dog! He really seems to care about providing vaporization more than he does about making profits and making his business bigger. He talks to you like we're all friends and he's the friend that hooks us all up with vaporizers! It feels like the way things should be.
So to wrap this up, even though I'm sure I left a bunch out, I guess I'll say if you're combusting and you have the money for a pup, even if you don't think you're interested in vaping, you'd be very wise to get one. I plan to get a few more for backups and travel, etc.