So after a few hours bonding time I've got a few thoughts on the dog.
This is my first time with a vape, so I've got some more experimenting to do with hitting it, but I don't think I'm getting the same clouds I've seen posted around. This could also be product, it was a really resinous batch. I let it heat up just under an hour before giving it a whirl. The taste is much more pronounced than I was expecting, honestly it's like smoking an edible.. if that makes sense.
That is not to say the dog doesn't work.
I've ran through 5-6 stems so far, the thick silicone stem is my favorite off the bat. The glass stem is more 'familiar' in the mouth but doesn't connect to the heater as snugly as the thick wall, and the narrower airpath gets a little more hot air to the back of the throat. I can block more of the hot air with my tongue when using the silicone stem. I get good hits, but more dense with the thicker wall. I don't have any 'thin wall' only silicone so can't comment to that one, going to pick some up at some point. I can say I didn't notice any taste or smell of silicone even fresh off the heater while vaping - made a point to check just because some had noticed it for the first week and then it faded.
A quick question on the glass stems, do I need to remove the glass portion to push the stem out the back when it's time to change them or is there some trick around this? If not I guess just wet down the glass once it's out to get it going back in the tube?
I've got a ~1 1/2 foot 'heavy hitter' bong and the silicone mated well enough that I could see the vapor build in the glass. No milk, but I was switching between connecting to the bowl slide vs downstem trying to see what works best. I think I need to taper off the end and maybe it will wedge in the downstem slot a little better. Regardless, I blew visible vapor on exhale on the first attempt.
ABV comes out caramel to milk chocolate, with some yellow splashes. I think it could go farther, I've got it pretty brown but I don't think it was worth the extra hits. I've also ran a stem of kief, and then a stem of pressed hash. I can say I think the loose kief works a little better, even if the pressed stuff lasts a few more hits. The included screens are fine enough that I could just scoop in a little kief directly onto the screen and just cover the bottom portion at the heater with a little layer of bud. Held in place nicely.
I underestimated what the pup could do and ended up locked on the couch for about an hour.
This may not be the place to mention it, but anyone thinking on switching up grinders should really look at a cheap coffee grinder. I got one today for ~$15 and it's built more kief today than my handheld would have out of that whole batch. It does lower the potency a little, but knocking in some of that loose kief into the stash jar and swirling it around helps with that. It also leaves a lot left over for later

On to the pics..