Underdog Log Vapes

I'm concerned about some of the things I just read here and why it isn't being addressed?

With my background in electronics and electricity... some pretty disturbing findings, in regards to quality and user safety. Will certainly make me rethink my decision, when it comes time to buy another vape.

After reading that entire thread and Dave's response within that thread I'm pretty sure anyone concerned with the actual material of UD Vape, your questions have been answered! I also think that people posting in that thread with concerns are forgetting that Dave makes these for himself to medicate as well as to sell them and that says a lot without saying anything.

I remember previous posts of people actually asking Dave directly on questions like this rather than making another thread for a show and tell. Pictures will always speak louder than words regardless of what people tell you. I'm as concerned for my UD air path just as anyone, but I believe chopping it up and taking pictures of the internals only questions how the vaporizer actually works more than integrity of the materials being shown.

IMHO I believe that if Dave has been honest and helpful the entire time up until this point with almost immediate responses for any questions on this thread(before i even considered one and now own 2), then why are we just now making him out to be the bad guy? I'll take your "background" intelligence with electronics as a credential when you take Dave's background with woodworking and creating these dogs as one too. After all we are on the internet :o


Where did I say I questioned his credentials (up to this point)? This isn't a pissing match, but judging from Dave's response in the other thread, its wound up exactly as predicted (by others) it would. Dave would mock, insult, then blame others (such as mom for supposedly "setting him up" and Alan, for launching this supposed "UD Bashing Email Campaign" :lol:). And his fans, would rally to his side...

Hey, whatever floats your boat. He's proven to me, with his response where he uses wikipedia, of all places as a Hazmat reference, to belittle another person who works in the particular field, said all it needed to say to me.

I won't be purchasing one of his UDs, nor will I be visiting this thread again.
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Well-Known Member
I sure hope that didn't and won't affect business too much Dave, I am very happy with my dog and have only used my other vapes once each since getting my dog, and you appear to have completely debunked her claims.

Something in my head says this is all a result of the overly crowded log vape market, seems as if someone is trying to thin the competition, and they thought why not start with the best? /conspiracy :p

Aside from the vape itself,
I would also like to point out to anyone who has not talked with dave, he is easily one of the most enjoyable people I have had the pleasure to deal with in a business sense. Before my purchase he answered all of my questions quickly(including questions about materials and temperature) and even Recommended that I might want to stay away from a UD (Because I was looking for a vape that ran at 354f while he said dogs tend to run ~385 and I was worried the heat would bother my lungs.) I purchased one and it came extremely quickly, with extra goodies, and a personally written thank you in the box.

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
Was anything Dave said in that thread wrong? (EDIT: I'm mainly referring to the materials - Not really interested in the behind the scenes stuff)
Cuz his explanations made the UD sound safe to me?
As I said in that other thread, I'm not experienced with the materials involved, but Dave's response sounded good to me.
(maybe it'd be better to PM me or respond in the other thread BDV?)

(Internet Tone Clarification: Genuine curiosity, not Internet Smart ass-edness:))
Thanks for addressing the concerns raised in the other thread Dave. Sorry to hear about the shit that has been going on behind the scenes. My experience has been that you make a brilliant product and provide exceptional service - keep up the good work.

Edit: That being said, the more I read about this the more concerned I get.
Rename Rev Ye Us,


Great Scott!
Log game drama pisses me off and stresses me out. I've heard Alan make bogus claims while more or less stealing the damn core Dave used. Funny how Alan's core magically improved after they exchanged vapes and he trashed the ud then. All this bullshit stresses me out both ways. Even the suggestion of safety issues is enough to bother people with anxiety like me. For the time being I'm using my thermovape but I'm very disappointed that what is likely fear momgering (not typo) and alan doing "viral" marketing for his own vape, you've succeeded in stressing me the fuck out and associating anxiety with my favorite vape. Good work team Alan. I really would mind the bullshit less if mods weren't blatantly taking sides and acting shady. Pretty interesting that Dave said mom never tried to contact him. Can't think of a reason she wouldn't turn In the vape for cash other than she's more interested in boosting HI sales.

Shitty and frustrating day for me.

mod note: You can't call another member a liar, and us shady. Warning issued.


vapor accessory addict
I resent this darkrom. I am not part of "team Alan." I am a mod here at this forum and a log vape enthusiast. I contacted Dave because I was concerned about what I found. Period. And he would not answer my questions in spite of the fact that I told him I would bring it here if he didn't and copied vtac in on the emails. As to acting shady? Really? I think I'm being pretty transparent and it can hardly been seen as taking sides. What side am I on again? Hmmmm...... maybe the FC membership's side? Would that be YOUR side?

So your personal attack above is unwarranted. And if you are so sure you're vapes are safe, use them.
And as for Alan's core? I think you need to look at it a little more carefully. It looks NOTHING like the core in the UD. There are no adhesives, no star washers, no glass bead.... I hardly think Alan stole any ideas from Dave.


Great Scott!
I resent this darkrom. I am not part of "team Alan." I am a mod here at this forum and a log vape enthusiast. I contacted Dave because I was concerned about what I found. Period. And he would not answer my questions in spite of the fact that I told him I would bring it here if he didn't and copied vtac in on the emails. As to acting shady? Really? I think I'm being pretty transparent and it can hardly been seen as taking sides. What side am I on again? Hmmmm...... maybe the FC membership's side? Would that be YOUR side?

So your personal attack above is unwarranted. And if you are so sure you're vapes are safe, use them.
And as for Alan's core? I think you need to look at it a little more carefully. It looks NOTHING like the core in the UD. There are no adhesives, no star washers, no glass bead.... I hardly think Alan stole any ideas from Dave.

If you copied vtac you copied vtac, there is a limit to what I will question, and Vtac happens to be pretty reasonable 100% of the time I've seen. I just think as soon as Alan showed up he made ridiculous over the top claims of being able to TASTE the leather on the Underdog. If you or anyone else have some way to explain that other than fear mongering in the name of his own vape IDK what to say.

This has me shaken up to the point where I'm not using either UD while this is discussed and solved, so I'm not on any sides either, but there has been a lot of Alan VS Dave vibe going on, and I know for a FACT Dave has gone out of his way to try to prevent that kind of thing. This whole thing just leaves a very sour taste in my mouth. Makes me wish I could just pick up a cloud and forget about all of this. My medical needs are hard to meet when this shit CAUSES anxiety.

I don't even know what to do about it anymore, but it is certainly not a good situation for anyone at all.

Mod note: Calling someone a liar is against the rules. Warning issued.
you cant really boost HI sales tough, beacuse you have to be on a list to even get one made so that doesnt make sense it doesnt seem like Alan needs more business if he has a list of peoples who he has to make vapes for still.


vapor accessory addict
darkrom, I am not Alan's keeper. I cannot speak or be held accountable for what he does or has done in the past. I can only speak for myself and my actions.

But to keep things accurate, I do not recall Alan saying he could taste the leather. According to his post here, he says he could smell it. Perhaps you could link me to where he says otherwise?


Great Scott!
I do not have the link. Either way since I can't/don't want to go looking for where he said he could taste it, I don't believe it would be possible to smell it while in use either. The only way to smell that leather that always stays nice and cold on the VERY bottom of the UD is to put it on your nose and smell it directly. The leather is NOT gassing. Everything else may have me uncertain and an anxious mess now, but the leather is not being exposed to any heat down there. Since he made claims like that while selling a rival product I have had to question his honesty/character.

"so the smell of hot leather wasn't my style". I'd like anyone to show me an underdog that has hot leather. My prototype twig is one of the very smallest ever made, runs so hot it has to be unplugged after use, and yet the leather remains nice and cool. Not a trace of heat. I've held 4 UD's in person and this is the case with all of them. I really doubt that he got the only heated leather option, which is why I lost respect for him and quite frankly viewed him as a liar after that. I mean who would want to buy a vape that stank like hot leather? NO ONE. The issue there is that it never existed either.

I'm just hoping this can all be sorted out where everyone is happy, though that is rarely the case. This is taking a huge toll on me since at the moment I have no home vaporizer that I'm using to deal with my anxiety. This will likely mean a temporary (please for the love of god temporary) resorting to prescription benzos which have ruined their share of lives. I take this VERY seriously as I know you do too. I just would hate to think that I would stop using 2 vaporizers that have been INCREDIBLY good to me over something that is uncertain. That is why I want this dealt with in certainty. I am already frantically looking to source a cloud (good luck right) to medicate in the mean time. This is not one of my happier moments here at FC.

Mod note: Calling someone a liar will not be permitted on this site. You have received a warning point for this and your view is subjective and cannot speak for other's experiences.
As I posted in the other pertinent thread, I for one would like to see materials like GG and flaking silicone completely abandoned. Cured or not, I don't think any of us want that stuff living under the same roof as a heating element.


Vapor concierge
I have never visited this thread, but I will now. We are not going to allow discussions of conspiracy theories, etc. without warnings or infractions issued. They are unprovable and get us on the wrong track.

This issue is simple and does not need to get emotional or adversarial. It is all about the materials. They are either safe or they are not. Once that is determined, we can all move along and go about vaping from our favorite vapes. And the materials discussion needs to be done in the other thread. We don't want Dave's thread to get bogged down in the back and forth.


here for the chicks
I tried to type up several responses now already, in this thread as well as the one Mom posted, but I guess I'm still to flabbergasted to put everything I got from this in words. Not about the materials used in the UD btw, I made sure I knew about those before I even considered ordering a UD, but more about how some people responded to the whole thing and about some of the personal attacks that were made. That's just not smart, not to mention completely non-constructive.

I just wanted to say I feel for you Dave, a good and solid person like you deserves better than all this drama and negativity.

That being said, if people are really so concerned about some of the materials you use the easiest way to let people sleep peacefully at night is to switch to more accepted alternatives like was already suggested by others before me.

I just hope you won't let all of this bring you down but turn it in to something positive, like you've done before already. This next bowl is for you my brother :tup:


here for the chicks
Ok, lets get back to why we're all here in the first place, vaping:

The stem I posted two pages back already produced enough reclaim to, uhm, reclaim, lol.

I just harvested a small ball of what looks and feels exactly like 'SSV wandhash' from the rim of the glass stem and added that to bowl of a fresh herbs, and I'm getting gigantuous superclouds here :brow:

I can't wait to harvest the oily substance on the inside of the tube as well :evil:

Can you check if you can ship me some more of these simple glass tubes for a reasonable price Dave? Perhaps you could fit 2 or 3 of them in one of those bubbly-wrap envelopes?


Student of Vapor
im glad you're also a big fan of the glass stem OTA since i am too. its just provides such a clean and nice vaping experience. i still haven't made it around to making that stem you showed a few pages back but like you i find my stem builds up on wand hash real quick. i can't wait til i have enough to scrape up and vape on its own :freak:

on a side note, i completely agree with OTA's statement above about this whole situation. Dave is such a nice guy who doesn't need to be putting up with these attacks from a large group especially in a negative way as this. Dave obviously is not purposely putting harmful materials into his UDs like some of the accusations seem to be implying. He uses these vapes himself as well as his wife Amanda. Why would he let someone he loves use a potentially harmful product? I know I wouldn't let my girlfriend use a product that I knew had harmful materials in it. However, as OTA said, maybe you could consider switching some of the materials and continue the improving evolution of the UD. I can't imagine how you feel in a situation like this Dave and i hope you all the best.


Well-Known Member
Most of you guys probably already figured this out, but I recently learned a couple of stem tricks that are really helpful.

I made a post asking about the best way to cleanly cut the silicone tubes as I was always getting jagged edges. Alan (Mr. HI & Toasty Top) suggested inserting a 3/8" wood dowel into the silicone, using a utility knife, and basically "rolling" the stem to cut the tube. This minimizes any wiggle on the stem. Well it works like a charm!

I also discovered that the 3/8" wood dowel is the PERFECT tool for seating the screens. No more fiddling around. You just insert the screen so the edges are barely under the lip of the tube and then use the dowel to push the screen down. Perfect insertion, first time, every time.

I don't really care for cutting the tube to make a taper to fit into a GONG joint. I had a 90 degree whip adapter when I received my first UD and have been using it with great success ever since. Several retailers carry them and here is an example:


Just insert into the end of a tube and you have have a perfect GONG connector.

Happy foggy Friday everyone!


here for the chicks
Hmmm, I like that adapter you use Jack.

I have one of these:


Pardon the unnecessary large photo pls :lol:

I don't like mine anyways. It restricts and narrows the airflow way to much imo, and the part that goes in to the silicon stem is way to long. For some reason it doesn't vaporise a bowl as thorough as my less-/unrestricted stems on the same voltage and with the same screen distance and bowl load.

Perhaps I could cut mine to be more like yours..


here for the chicks
The aqualab, or the one I posted?

Have you tried heating and wetting the inside of the silicon stem before inserting the adapter and then stuff it in as deep as possible Fred?


Well-Known Member
Mine from ALT fits perfectly in a thick stem. I just moisten the glass and push the silicone over where it flares out. Super tight fit and takes quiet a bit of wiggle to remove it. But, with hand blown glass there are variations obviously.

OTH-I would like to shorten/cut the thinner protrusion from the adapter also. Maybe someone with glass experience could offer a suggestion on how to cut the tip off without special glass equipment???

PS-Due to the length of the thinner protrusion I have kept with ~4 inch stems so the tip of the adapter is not too close to the screen.


here for the chicks
Boobs posted some tips about glass cutting in the Vapocane thread Jack.

Have a look here.

How wide is the narrower hole on yours?


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Wow - I am thinking of getting into the log vape arena - I like what I read until recently looking through this thread. Can I get some positive light on the UD - I hear that the flavor a log vape offers is fantastic. Personally, from what I read about temperature doesn't bother me. Just looking for some opinions.
i have a twig, which i am pretty sure dave says doesnt contain the GG. it producs large clouds of vapor, it is durable, its small and portable and it tastes great
foggy mornings,
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