Underdog Log Vapes


Hi all,

My apologies if this has already been covered (I've read through the first and last 5-6 pages of the UD discussion), but I just want to make sure that I have a good understanding of the order process :D. I'd sent an e-mail to underdog yesterday evening, but haven't heard back just yet (no worries at all, though. I'm sure the Dog is plenty busy these days .

If I visit the Underdog website and pick out one of the vapes listed as "available", that's all there is to it, correct?

I ask because there seems to be a lot of other FC members who are mentioning getting custom dogs. Just want to make sure that I'm not trying to place an order for a vape that has already been 'spoken for'.

Thanks a bunch!


Great Scott!
Thats all there is to it. Anything listed on the site should be available. Which one are you looking at?


shade-tree vapor engineer
stew34 said:
Hi all,

My apologies if this has already been covered (I've read through the first and last 5-6 pages of the UD discussion), but I just want to make sure that I have a good understanding of the order process :D. I'd sent an e-mail to underdog yesterday evening, but haven't heard back just yet (no worries at all, though. I'm sure the Dog is plenty busy these days .

If I visit the Underdog website and pick out one of the vapes listed as "available", that's all there is to it, correct?

I ask because there seems to be a lot of other FC members who are mentioning getting custom dogs. Just want to make sure that I'm not trying to place an order for a vape that has already been 'spoken for'.

Thanks a bunch!

Hi Stew, you might try sending me another message as I had a couple garbled ones come through in the last few days.. maybe yours was one of them?


darkrom said:
Thats all there is to it. Anything listed on the site should be available. Which one are you looking at?

Ah, much appreciated. I've got my eye on the Cebil or Redwood. Got a set of speakers that have a rosewood veneer that might make a fine match.


underdog said:
Hi Stew, you might try sending me another message as I had a couple garbled ones come through in the last few days.. maybe yours was one of them?

Will do, Underdog. Thanks very much!


that feeling of excitement never leaves when you are waiting huh?

this may be my 13th vape I will have owned, but it feels just as exciting as the first time I ordered one online and had to now try to be patient!

here is what mine is gonna look like: (ill do a higher quality photo shoot when I see it in the phloem)


I really like the distinction between the dark and lighter pieces of wood, yet the grain of both pieces appear very similar. the dimensions I'm told are about 4 by 3 inches. I was rally torn between this one and another that was slight taller, but much more narrow still. I'd be guessing, but probably 2 in diameter.

What is this dog made of Dave? Ash? Is there s 2nd species or just a different piece of wood form the same type?

I'm hoping this little beauty will become my daily driver for at home use!


here for the chicks
Congrats Demon!

I still get excited too, but also very impatience, haha.

Yours will be with you a lot sooner then mine I assume though, so perhaps your upcoming photo will ease the wait a little for me.

Stew, is that the stump or bubble you're looking at? The Cebil Bubble was/is in my top 3 from the vapes that are on the website now, it's such a cute little thing.


here for the chicks
I'm still awaiting payday to actually finalize my purchase, but yes, I have picked one too.

I wanted something tiny and hot, so I picked this little Ash Bullet:



thats a really nice looking piece too! the reason i was toying with going with a thinner one for the same reason. I heard they run hotter. I think I will probably end up buying an uber twig later on down the line too. but lets just let this dog get settled in first :p

this leads me to another question. is there a twig, and an uber twig available? I am not up to snuff on my log vape lingo these days anymore.


errl enthusiast
the original twigs are not available at the moment, they were mostly test pieces, i believe Dave still has the 3/8" cebil twig in his possession, and i have the maple 1/4". These pieces were smaller and had the AC input on the bottom to save on size. Dave might be producing more of these in the future, but so far the UberTwigs are what hes been focusing on, the main differences being in size and utilizing the new 3/8" core.


here for the chicks
Thanksies, it is really starting to grow on me :D

It is a lost dog too btw. I went back and forth about getting a piece made out of a solid piece of a bit more exclusive wood, but eventually ended up back with my first choice after discussing it with Dave. He has some of my favorite type of wood in stock, but it still needs months of curing before he can work on it. So if I really like this one I can always order another one later on, and I really like the shape and size on this one. If I had ordered a custom one it would have been a copy of this one but out of solid piece of wood.


shade-tree vapor engineer
weedemon said:
What is this dog made of Dave? Ash? Is there s 2nd species or just a different piece of wood form the same type?

Yep, it's White Ash logged and milled in the USA. It's the same species and even likely from the same tree and the difference in light/dark is natural variation between heartwood and sapwood. Many places get rid of the darker (sapwood) part of the Ash but I like to use it all and think they make a good contrast with each other.

Ok, sorry if I seem to be ignoring you guys but I'm swamped with getting these orders filled and sent out.. so best I get back out of here. :peace:


Great Scott!
Weird experience. Left my UD on at 11.2 V for an hour or so. Came home and used it and couldn't tell the difference between that and the full 12v. Very interesting that I was able to lower the voltage without feeling any down side. The hits felt exactly the same. Is it possible that at lower voltages it is still hitting whatever temp it was before, but it is simply taking longer to do so? Neat little trick I suppose.


shade-tree vapor engineer
darkrom said:
Weird experience. Left my UD on at 11.2 V for an hour or so. Came home and used it and couldn't tell the difference between that and the full 12v. Very interesting that I was able to lower the voltage without feeling any down side. The hits felt exactly the same. Is it possible that at lower voltages it is still hitting whatever temp it was before, but it is simply taking longer to do so? Neat little trick I suppose.

Yep that's exactly what you're seeing.. same end temp (at the stem) but longer warmup time. ;)


Dab Trotter
Hey Dave I just sent you a quick e-mail requesting some pictures of the available ubertwigs. I know you're busy but you said you had e-mail issues too so I just wanted to let you know here.

I sent it through the underdog website "contact us" portion, not sure if that is the right spot but hopefully it is!


MarcellusWiley said:
Hey Dave I just sent you a quick e-mail requesting some pictures of the available ubertwigs. I know you're busy but you said you had e-mail issues too so I just wanted to let you know here.

I sent it through the underdog website "contact us" portion, not sure if that is the right spot but hopefully it is!

I would like to see the twigs that are still available too! maybe post it to this thread?


Well-Known Member
Canary wood Twig has arrived :D

First impressions: It's surprisingly light.

While being slightly taller than my CRZ, its a helluva lot skinnier and after hitting the scales, it weighs 50% less than the CRZ.

I think canary wood is one of the less denser woods, but it definitely feels less "substantial" compared to the CRZ (which I believe is maple wood)
However, I'll be glad to sacrifice a heavy feel for more functionality via faster warm up / running hotter

Taken my first puff, and WOW.
Massively less restriction than the CRZ and gave a marvelous first hit albeit bad silicone taste (this goes away once the stem gets "seasoned" right?)

and now...more testing! :science:


So I have a Bocote uber-Twig on its way within the next day or so! The one from the group pic on page 62 (I think that's the page) Getting the FC goodies and what not. Can't wait for it to arrive!


Slightly Stoopid
I find the silicone taste goes away after the first couple bowls. Are you using the silicone stem? Try running it through water if you can for the first few bowls and the taste should be gone by then.


errl enthusiast
glad to hear everyone is enjoying their UberTwigs as much as i am!

that canarywood is looking lovely SD, and yes the silicone taste subsides after a few uses. i actually prefer the performance of the good ole silicone compared to the glass stem so far, though the glass definitely has that tactile feel that can't be matched. how long is the heat up time for the canarywood? does it feel substantially less dense than maple? if so i would imagine the vapor to be quite toasty, and i personally enjoy a little hotter vapor :brow:


Vapeosaurus Rex
Yeah after using the silicon and the UD multiple times now, I would say I don't even really notice the taste of the silicon. I still think it would be better through glass, but the silicon is by no means bad at all. I enjoy the seal that it makes although I do hear a little sound everytime I twist it off the core.. Do you guys think it's better to "twist" it to get it off the core or just pull it straight? Just curious :rolleyes:
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