Abysmal Vapor
Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
I called dibs on it and it is 90% sure i go with it, I,ll decide in the next hours.I am awaiting some exam results which might result in a tax free semester .. Which means i would have some extra cash and i might go with two pieces insteadGonzo said:That bamboo Twig has been screaming my name for days. I'm trying my hardest not to give in. I am pretty sure it will be a knock your socks off dog though
Did you get the blue prototype Abysmal?

And Gonzo.. Don't have twigs already ? If i had the funds i would go with a custom UD experience, It is the best thing ever,(my dog is a custom piece) You can watch the whole process and damn it is slow

If i still have money the most beautiful custom piece.. i would want something quite different in appearance and function