Underdog Log Vapes

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Gonzo said:
That bamboo Twig has been screaming my name for days. I'm trying my hardest not to give in. I am pretty sure it will be a knock your socks off dog though :ko:

Did you get the blue prototype Abysmal?
I called dibs on it and it is 90% sure i go with it, I,ll decide in the next hours.I am awaiting some exam results which might result in a tax free semester .. Which means i would have some extra cash and i might go with two pieces instead :D.
And Gonzo.. Don't have twigs already ? If i had the funds i would go with a custom UD experience, It is the best thing ever,(my dog is a custom piece) You can watch the whole process and damn it is slow :D when piece is complicated .. Waiting for the wood to dry and season.. to reach the right humidity, then it goes re-sawed and sanded and polished and much more..
If i still have money the most beautiful custom piece.. i would want something quite different in appearance and function :) For example get a custom Doghouse (A Box vape that can be seen somewhere in the thread from a shot of Dave's workshop. He mentioned too that he tried and i think succeeded in making a bag blowing UD... Well that one won't be cheap i guess but if i had already so many dogs it would be nice to have one and use it with 3 ft bags fogging them to white.
Abysmal Vapor,


Slightly Stoopid
I have thought about the bag blowing UD as well and a DogHouse but being married and a father doesn't allow me to have as many toys for display and play as I would like. I like the Twigs because they are small and discreet.

When at home I keep a small stash jar and stem in my pocket and when I get a chance I use whichever dog is closest. Every major room in my home besides 2 has a dog running 24/7. I wish I could have a station set up for vaping but most times only have the opportunity to take a quick hit and move on.

Everyone's situation is a little different but for me having multiple dogs running at once in various locations has been a life saver. No more sneaking off to the back shed or hiding in the attic to use the LSV or one of the portables.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Gonzo said:
I have thought about the bag blowing UD as well and a DogHouse but being married and a father doesn't allow me to have as many toys for display and play as I would like. I like the Twigs because they are small and discreet.

When at home I keep a small stash jar and stem in my pocket and when I get a chance I use whichever dog is closest. Every major room in my home besides 2 has a dog running 24/7. I wish I could have a station set up for vaping but most times only have the opportunity to take a quick hit and move on.

Everyone's situation is a little different but for me having multiple dogs running at once in various locations has been a life saver. No more sneaking off to the back shed or hiding in the attic to use the LSV or one of the portables.
Oh it seems that you are a reasonable UD addict :D.. Well i hope you have a big house :D..
Abysmal Vapor,


of hte ones you have pictured i think the queen is the most pretty. I love the grain on the light (ash?) piece?


here for the chicks
Gotcha Abysmal, & I wasn't to serious about that whole post-count thing in case that wasn't clear.

I've actually send my final choice to Dave yesterday, after considering everything from a ready made twig to a (simple) custom piece I went back to my first choice like an indecisive woman in a clothing store.

But what do you know? I just went through this thread again and there was that damn little canary wood twig (the middle one, with the rounded top) shouting at me again; "pick me, pick me, you will regret it if you don't!"

Will someone please give that one a home so I can finally have some peace of mind? :mad:

For what it's worth; I think your custom UD is the prettiest one I've seen yet, which is kinda weird because I sort of have a preference for pieces made out of a single piece of wood.

It was really awesome to see the process of it's creation, going from just bits of wood to the beautiful art work it is now. I hope Dave will do something like that again sometime, or perhaps even have someone shoot a short documentary film showing us the birth of a Underdog.


OTA and Dave,

Maybe we can help here?
We are carrying UD's, are the only and proud EU distributor of UD... (OK some logistic problems so I'm still missing some models)...

OTA is an FC friend of mine...so if we can help you out OTG, shoot me a mail!


here for the chicks
Haha, I knew you had to have something to do with that big batch that was send off to France not to long ago G.

I am kinda curious what you have in stock yourself, but Dave has been so patience with me I almost feel I have to pay him extra for his time alone, & I would feel really bad about canceling my order after all he had to put up with from me.

Thanks for the offer though, If I had known about this earlier I would have come to you first to at least have a look at what you could offer me. I checked your website not to long ago but I didn't see them one there, correct?

edit: do you guys have all accessories as well? It would be great to be able to buy stems and such from within the EU. If you happen to have any custom glass stems please email me some photo's.


Slightly Stoopid
Abysmal Vapor said:
Oh it seems that you are a reasonable UD addict :D.. Well i hope you have a big house :D..

I was a 14g - 28g a week blunt smoker before switching entirely to vape. I have used some of the money saved to adopt pups from Dave. Every dog needs a good home ;)

I will definitely get a custom piece made one day but still trying to figure out a design. In the meantime, my kitchen is looking pretty dog-less at the moment :lol:


errl enthusiast
placetime said:
stroh said:
this afzelia sure is a beaut :cool:
What a great piece, stroh! I'm curious--what's the warm-up time on that one?
thanks placetime!

Dave has it written in at 30 minutes, but i think it heats up just a little quicker at ~20 minutes. the ole maple twig (which is much smaller) takes about 15 to get to full heat.

also, welcome to the pack weedemon, im sure you will love your new dog!


OhTheAgony said:
Haha, I knew you had to have something to do with that big batch that was send off to France not to long ago G.

I am kinda curious what you have in stock yourself, but Dave has been so patience with me I almost feel I have to pay him extra for his time alone, & I would feel really bad about canceling my order after all he had to put with from me.

Thanks for the offer though, If I had known about this earlier I would have come to you first to at least have a look at what you could offer me. I checked your website not to long ago but I didn't see them one there, correct?

Understood, and yes Dave is really a good person!
And no you're wrong :lol: the UD's are partially on the website since December 20th:

About your order, just spoke with Dave and I do not carry (yet) the glass stem and the car adaptor...So you should continue your order process with UD's creator (you are right saying Dave is a great guy with a lot of dedication to his business!)


Vapeosaurus Rex
I just wanted to comment on the UD's efficiency, I haven't even touched the larger stem for this thing, I would probably pass out taking a rip off of that.. anyways, I am able to only put a very small amount, If I could measure it I would (I don't have a scale) but literally like 4 little ground leaves of the herb and it gives me 2 great thick satisfying hits still that leaves me at my perfect high. When I first got this thing I was loading way too much herb and getting blasted, now that I know how efficient this thing is I can get that great high that isn't too over the top with such a small amount, it's great! Seems like all the talk lately has been about the twigs and all, but just saying I love my 3/8'! :)


Great Scott!
Elluzion said:
I just wanted to comment on the UD's efficiency, I haven't even touched the larger stem for this thing, I would probably pass out taking a rip off of that.. anyways, I am able to only put a very small amount, If I could measure it I would (I don't have a scale) but literally like 4 little ground leaves of the herb and it gives me 2 great thick satisfying hits still that leaves me at my perfect high. When I first got this thing I was loading way too much herb and getting blasted, now that I know how efficient this thing is I can get that great high that isn't too over the top with such a small amount, it's great! Seems like all the talk lately has been about the twigs and all, but just saying I love my 3/8'! :)

Twigs are 3/8 too now :)


Vapeosaurus Rex
darkrom said:
Elluzion said:
I just wanted to comment on the UD's efficiency, I haven't even touched the larger stem for this thing, I would probably pass out tarking a rip off of that.. anyways, I am able to only put a very small amount, If I could measure it I would (I don't have a scale) but literally like 4 little ground leaves of the herb and it gives me 2 great thick satisfying hits still that leaves me at my perfect high. When I first got this thing I was loading way too much herb and getting blasted, now that I know how efficient this thing is I can get that great high that isn't too over the top with such a small amount, it's great! Seems like all the talk lately has been about the twigs and all, but just saying I love my 3/8'! :)

Twigs are 3/8 too now :)

All of them? I'm not sure how I missed that detail, I thought they were all 1/4''

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device


shade-tree vapor engineer
OhTheAgony said:
Haha, I knew you had to have something to do with that big batch that was send off to France not to long ago G.

I am kinda curious what you have in stock yourself, but Dave has been so patience with me I almost feel I have to pay him extra for his time alone, & I would feel really bad about canceling my order after all he had to put up with from me.

Thanks for the offer though, If I had known about this earlier I would have come to you first to at least have a look at what you could offer me. I checked your website not to long ago but I didn't see them one there, correct?

edit: do you guys have all accessories as well? It would be great to be able to buy stems and such from within the EU. If you happen to have any custom glass stems please email me some photo's.

Heya OTA - if you want to take a look at what they've got in stock over there and possibly order your piece from them that's fine with me, no worries. If you do that and need accessories that's cool with me too, just let me know.


here for the chicks
Thanks Dave. I guess I should have a look at what he can offer me than at least. Within-EU-shipping would make everything at least a little bit easier, not to mention quicker and cheaper.

Don't sell my little bullet to someone else just yet though ;)
Ive received a couple requests for pictures of my dogs. So here ya go!



And heres what im smoking vaping on at the moment.



Dab Trotter
MAN you guys are really getting to me...
got that dog itch.

that damn cute cavalier king charles spaniel logo really isn't helping either!

it feels like my old girl Libby is calling me from the grave telling me to buy a twig! :D


shade-tree vapor engineer
@ VaporBoxed - those are some nice looking dogs you got there VB! Hows the exorcist Koa piece working?

@ MarcellusWiley - yeah damn those Cavaliers haha.. very sweet dogs, they live for 'treats' and to make people happy. I've never had such a blindly friendly dog as this.. I swear he'd make friends with a burglar and show him right to the treat jar. :lol:

On the subject of just what kind of dog the Cavalier Underdog is, this is what I find upon coming in from the shop. Apparently the couch wasn't comfortable enough so he pulled back the blankets on the bed, fluffed my pillow up and made himself a nest. Sigh. :lol:



Dab Trotter
underdog said:
@ VaporBoxed - those are some nice looking dogs you got there VB! Hows the exorcist Koa piece working?

@ MarcellusWiley - yeah damn those Cavaliers haha.. very sweet dogs, they live for 'treats' and to make people happy. I've never had such a blindly friendly dog as this.. I swear he'd make friends with a burglar and show him right to the treat jar. :lol:

Haha I know!! If you let them get a taste of people food its hard to ween them off it :p

Great, amiable dogs though, easy to train and very smart. Especially as they get older. My Libby was 15 when she passed but man she was still a perfectly behaved dog (even her bladder!) she'd sit there for 3 hours at the door crying before she'd let her bladder go, even at that age!

quick question about the twigs:

are there any twigs or lost twigs still available from your last batch? Trying to keep track but it's been difficult with all the action in this thread lately!
if there's one I really like I might just splurge...looked at my bank account today and I have the itch!


haha I love the picture! my libby had a very similar coat and loved to flop around like that :D
Very cute. I own a pug myself and i love her. Best dog i could ask for.

The "exorcist koa" is doing wonderfully. I havent been using it for herb but rather for bho soaked cotton. It works like a charm. Its just a little loose and twisty. Im not twisting it though. Also, My twig makes this perfectly toasted abv. Im loving it.


shade-tree vapor engineer
Thanks for the update VB.. I'll have something ready to send you shortly.

@ MarcellusWiley - I think all the Lost Dog Twigs are gone but there are some regulars left, let me see if I can figure out whats what and post a pic with the remainders. You're not the only one having a hard time keeping track of what is going where and when.. :ko:

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
If Underdogs weren't performing so well ,we would have very organised thread :brow: !
Abysmal Vapor,
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