Underdog Log Vapes


underdog said:
Sitting here tonight finishing and putting together some of the many pieces that I've previewed over the last week or so.. must. keep. working. gotta slog through this backlog and get these pieces into the hands of eager new pack members. :ko:

Totally radical!


here for the chicks
Thanks Abysmal, I suddenly have many choices! lol

Do you know if there is constant power to the DC outlet on those though? Or do I have to short circuit the foot-switch first?

edit: here, take one of these to go with your skull-PSU :lol:



shade-tree vapor engineer
hazy said:
Sorry if this sounds negative, but I don't see how those fixed voltages are going to be much use apart from putting it into standby mode. For useful temperature adjustment, a continuously variable supply in the 10 to 12 volt range would be needed.

No worries hazy, I understand what you mean and you're largely right in that a continuously variable supply would be much better. The one I mentioned is basically for aromatherapy and 'standby' type use and not so much for lower temp vaping.

Really for 99% of UD users I think 12v is perfect considering how much variation you can get by adjusting your screen location, etc. For power users or users of multiple vapes a higher-end power supply like I mentioned way back somewhere in the thread might be more in order.

Anyways going back to your original thoughts, like I said I can agree with that and if I ever find a decent variable that is more focused on the 8-12v range I will probably offer those instead.


here for the chicks
darkrom said:
This is mine. I don't know much about it other than it works well here in the USA and is NOT safe if you fall asleep. No built in safety features. I keep it at 12v 99.999% of the time anyway, so I'd have to say for more people than not these are all totally unnecessary.


It doesn't say if it takes 220V as well in the add, but I think I found it's EU cousin:

ebay link

I found an auction for one of those that's almost over and it's around 5 bucks now, I may be able to pick one up cheap :brow:


shade-tree vapor engineer
OhTheAgony said:
darkrom said:
This is mine. I don't know much about it other than it works well here in the USA and is NOT safe if you fall asleep. No built in safety features. I keep it at 12v 99.999% of the time anyway, so I'd have to say for more people than not these are all totally unnecessary.


It doesn't say if it takes 220V as well in the add, but I think I found it's EU cousin:

ebay link

I found an auction for one of those that's almost over and it's around 5 bucks now, I may be able to pick one up cheap :brow:

I just check the back of the one I used to carry and that darkrom mentioned and it says input: 90-253v, no mention of 50/60hz but I think it should probably work fine on Euro power.


Great Scott!
I can't state enough that while I'm using this, I keep it at 12, or 12.1 if im lazy and it moves by accident LOL. Really I'd just order more screens and silicone IMO because 12v on the new core is just perfect.


here for the chicks
Ah, thanks for checking Dave! Yeah, that should work then. Very strange value though, 253V. It's usually 230 or 240V.

After a closer look the one I linked doesn't have a positive and negative power plug on the front but one port for the foot switch and one for the tattoo machine. But for 5 bucks I figure I'll just open it up and fix that myself.

& I hear ya Darkrom, I'm just checking out my options. I can't possibly know if I actually need it or not yet, but it does seem nice to have & if I can get one for a few bucks then why the heck not.


shade-tree vapor engineer
OhTheAgony said:
Ah, thanks for checking Dave! Yeah, that should work then. Very strange value though, 253V. It's usually 230 or 240V.

After a closer look the one I linked doesn't have a positive and negative power plug on the front but one port for the foot switch and one for the tattoo machine. But for 5 bucks I figure I'll just open it up and fix that myself.

& I hear ya Darkrom, I'm just checking out my options. I can't possibly know if I actually need it or not yet, but it does seem nice to have & if I can get one for a few bucks then why the heck not.

I've modded more than one of those type supplies so if you get it cheap and want some help just let me know. If it's what it looks like in the pictures it has two TRS connectors on the front, one for the switch and one for power out. You can hardwire a standard switch (or just short it for always on) to the 'switch' TRS and then you just have to rig a power cable with a TRS jack on one end and 2.1mm barrel connector on the other. :2c:


here for the chicks
Cool, I'll give you a shout if necessary. My idea was to just swap out the two female jacks on the front of the unit for female tulips like most simple power supplies seem to have & hook those straight to the internal positive and negative leads bypassing the switch thingie.


errl enthusiast
if all goes smoothly, i should be coming home to a brand spankin' new dog later :)


errl enthusiast
the afzelia burl, love the grain pattern and color of the lil guy, cant wait to try out the new core!


hey guys!

So I am super tempted and almost ready to pull the trigger on getting a dog of my own!

Whats the difference between a twig and a log? The twigs make hotter vapor?

I have spoken to Dave, and also a couple members of the forum.

I was hoping to get the insight of the masses now that I feel i have a little direction to begin with.

IMO I would spend the $25 extra and get a UberTwig rather than a Lost Dog. You can't go wrong either way but personally the UberTwig shape and size pieces.
this is what one person told me :)

about what I want from a log vape:

Tasty rips (this is a given )
Rips that are big enough to satisfy a user with a higher than normal tolerance.
I want something that is not cumbersome or awkward to handle (I have small hands)

so what would suit me best guys?


errl enthusiast
+1 vote for the twig, i love the ergonomics of the twigs, and the 3/8" core will definitely provide the rips you are looking for, both taste and density wise. i also enjoy the short heat up time of twigs, though these can be run 24/7!


Student of Vapor
what are the price ranges for a twig and a lost dog? i've been lurking around this thread for a while and absolutely love the UD all around. i would love to buy one as a grad present to myself but due to the situation that i am in i just can't, yet.


errl enthusiast
the lost dogs are priced at 150, and twigs at 175 unless noted otherwise. all FC members get free shipping and extra goodies :)


Great Scott!
weedemon said:
hey guys!

So I am super tempted and almost ready to pull the trigger on getting a dog of my own!

Whats the difference between a twig and a log? The twigs make hotter vapor?

I have spoken to Dave, and also a couple members of the forum.

I was hoping to get the insight of the masses now that I feel i have a little direction to begin with.

IMO I would spend the $25 extra and get a UberTwig rather than a Lost Dog. You can't go wrong either way but personally the UberTwig shape and size pieces.
this is what one person told me :)

about what I want from a log vape:

Tasty rips (this is a given )
Rips that are big enough to satisfy a user with a higher than normal tolerance.
I want something that is not cumbersome or awkward to handle (I have small hands)

so what would suit me best guys?

100% preference. My own personal rule of thumb here is the full size for home and the twigs for the go, but thats based on more or less nothing since many members use the twig as a daily work horse. Seriously its all about whichever one appeals to you the most. You literally can not go wrong with the Underdog!


Student of Vapor
...my god. i had no idea. now knowing that, it'll be even harder to fight the temptation to buy one until my situation is clear. what a great deal for such a high quality product!

p.s., stroh, great video review on the underdog on youtube. im somewhat a youtube fiend and came across your channel :p i do have a question about the twig though. in your UD review video, you show a "pre-producation" twig that has the AC port (not sure if thats the right term for it) on the bottom of twig and you need to rest it on the edge of your jar to stand up-right. can the new twigs stand up-right or do they have the same anatomy?

edit: added a question
weedemon said:
hey guys!

I want something that is not cumbersome or awkward to handle (I have small hands)

so what would suit me best guys?

That reminded me of this

:lol: i couldnt help it.

I consider myself to have a higher than normal tolerance and the UD gets the job done for me.

You cant go wrong with the UD.


errl enthusiast
thanks highly educated! expect a comparison video of the pre-prod twig and the ubertwig once i break him in, as for whether the input is on the bottom, i would ask an ubertwig owner or Dave on that one


shade-tree vapor engineer
HighlyEducatedScholar said:
do have a question about the twig though. in your UD review video, you show a "pre-producation" twig that has the AC port (not sure if thats the right term for it) on the bottom of twig and you need to rest it on the edge of your jar to stand up-right. can the new twigs stand up-right or do they have the same anatomy?

Woohoo, a question I can answer! All the new twigs (uber-Twigs) have the side mounted power port.. :cool:


Vapeosaurus Rex
Like an idiot, i just spilled eucalyptus oil all on the top of my dog, any tips to clean / help it? :(

edit:on the plus side...., it kinda smells really awesome lol... :rolleyes:


shade-tree vapor engineer
Elluzion said:
Like an idiot, i just spilled eucalyptus oil all on the top of my dog, any tips to clean / help it? :(

I've had luck unplugging them, standing them upside-down on a stack of paper towels and let it set for a while so any fluid can run out (15 min maybe) then carefully wipe it all down, plug back in and let any lingering oil evaporate off.. don't leave the piece unattended during this stage as the oil could reach combustion. There may be lingering smell for quite some time but in my experiments it has all burned off eventually.

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