Underdog Log Vapes


Great Scott!
Abysmal Vapor said:
Darkrom kief is my favorite of all concentrates :) good luck .. I suggest u use a clear stem(not colored) So you can watch it melt . :brow:

Way ahead of you :) its in my clear stem.

underdog said:
Happy b-day darkrom! You should have said something sooner so I could have shrink-wrapped a cake and stuffed in Joe's box as a gift for you!

mmmmm shrunken cake. :brow:

Thanks for the bday wishes everyone!
So I got my Bday vape, and luck would have it I'm dry! :lol:

But I'm quite pleased with the build quality and finish, and like the one I got. Mine is one of the "neck-thru" types, with a strip of a secondary wood (maybe just a lighter type of ash?) running through the center. It's the very far, back left in the group photo. It's roughly soda-can sized, apparently one of the larger bodied Underdogs.


I can't wait to try it out. I'm happy with how she looks and feels, great fit and finish.

Dave, I'm trying to conceive how the aroma bowl and hook attach and am coming up with nothing. Can you help my dumb ass out?


shade-tree vapor engineer
charliedontsurf said:
So I got my Bday vape, and luck would have it I'm dry! :lol:

Dave, I'm trying to conceive how the aroma bowl and hook attach and am coming up with nothing. Can you help my dumb ass out?

Ahhh man dry? that sucks! I'd happily have sent you a few grams but I'm guessing the post office would take offense to that haha.

The cups.. sigh.. no you're not the dumb-ass I am. Wondering why you were having a problem I just got out a cup and my b-day vape and what do you know, the cup doesn't fit, dammit.

I'm guessing you (and everyone else!) probably got a cup sized for the larger core and it doesn't fit inside the hole for the smaller core. I'll find the right size cups and get them to all of you guys who want to use them. Anyone who doesn't plan on using them I'll give $5 off their next purchase.. glass anyone? :D

Sorry 'bout that!


Great Scott!
Sweet deal Dave. I get the feeling many members here would happily take their $5 off accessories over the aromatherapy cup.


Great Scott!
Best review possible at the moment: Underdog works VERY well with pressed kief.


shade-tree vapor engineer
darkrom said:
Sweet deal Dave. I get the feeling many members here would happily take their $5 off accessories over the aromatherapy cup.

Haha yeah I think you might be right.. but just in case I figured I'd offer to send out the proper one instead. :)

darkrom said:
Best review possible at the moment: Underdog works VERY well with pressed kief.

mmmm pressed kief.. fun but it transforms Underdog into Unconsciousdog haha :lol:

@stroh - hey stroh did you get your Mac back yet? Just seeing when we might hope to see one of your awesome videos? No pressure, just excitedly waiting...


Great Scott!
Well the underdog has no problem vaping pressed kief on its own, or when it is on top of some bud. I did make great use of the variable PSU with the kief, taking it all the way to 13.3v

Got a great nights sleep thanks to the Jester :)


Revolting Peasant
^ you mean the dry crumbly stuff?

Where I grew up we used to call the dry pressed stuff 'pollen' or 'pollem', and the properly pressed stuff was hash. Don't know if it's a true definition or not, I doubt it- the pollem I've had in NL is more like hash. The loosely pressed stuff was still golden in colour, and almost sandy sometimes (Moroccan dust content I think). I think it was probably more like kief cakes- it hadn't been pressed hard enough to burst the trichomes, but enough to stay together cohesive enough. I think I probably consider it hash when the trichomes are all melted into one fused mass.
No underdog, and no update from USPS. :(

Not that it matters, it just seems I always fiend out whenever I have something coming in the mail.
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shade-tree vapor engineer
biojuggernaut said:
No underdog, and no update from USPS. :(

Not that it matters, it just seems I always fiend out whenever I have something coming in the mail.

It seems the post office is taking their sweet time with you and a few others packages.. :(

Oh well, good things come to those who wait right? :brow:
You're right I've just been putting off reing up until I get the dog and I am very anxious! Plus I get to blame everything on my the apartment staff :lol:

USPS hasen't delivered it yet but I know those lazy bastards down stairs have the box in the back room too lazy to give me the slip :p


Well-Known Member
No Underdog unit or updates for me either. I won't be home until Friday anyway so its no biggie. I'm interested to find out which UD from the pic is mine. :brow: I'll be sure to take pics and give a review this weekend some time. I've got a MyrtleZap and RockZap to compare it to so things should get rather interesting.


errl enthusiast
the last word i heard about my macbook was they were ordering some parts that were on backorder, didn't give me much of anything else, for "geniuses", the employees at the apple store are pretty daft... also ive been super busy this weekend so i wasn't able to ship the goblet back yet, but i will definitely have it in the mail sometime this week, sorry about that.


shade-tree vapor engineer
stroh said:
the last word i heard about my macbook was they were ordering some parts that were on backorder, didn't give me much of anything else, for "geniuses", the employees at the apple store are pretty daft... also ive been super busy this weekend so i wasn't able to ship the goblet back yet, but i will definitely have it in the mail sometime this week, sorry about that.

That sucks about the macbook.. no worries though about the videos or the goblet I was just checking in with you, no rush. :)


Well-Known Member
no underdog here as well but i was expecting that lol...i think theyll start to trickle in tomorrow though :brow:
So I've had some time with my Underdog and think I have a good feel for it. Please note that I have never used any other log vape.

Aesthetically, my Underdog is 9 for 10. It's the only vape I have that is a one-off, handmade work of art. I can see why people love the log vapes and their unique wooden designs so much. The whole thing looks fantastic, from the body to the work around the heat port, to it's completely solid and rattle-free feel. It has a nice, long, detachable cord. The bottom leather seems expertly applied. There's not a rough cut or blemish on the whole thing.

The draw is very free, very unrestricted, and ideal for vaporbonging, unlike what I hear of the other log vapes. The silicone tubes get some slight acclimating too, and I think have a very faint but detectable taste which is not objectionable. Taste is otherwise quite good. I worry about the bowl's screens, replacing them will probably have a real knack to it. An Extreme Q mouthpiece works great as a mouthpiece because it has a very large mouth hole, unlike alot of glass mouthpieces, so it won't mess with airflow. A flush 14mm-19mm adapter fits the silicone and works great for vapebonging - these are like 9 bucks from many retailers such as blissville. I would like to fantasize about a all-glass stem in the future but there's nothing wrong with the silicone, and I have no reason to believe they're inferior in any way to the nylon stems used by the other logs.

Heat retention is probably 8/10, not bad at all.

Hits are dense! With my bubbler I can get vapor which is denser than the Solo with a similar heat setting.

My only complaint is that my unit runs a little too cool. I will definitely be investing in a higher voltage power supply in order to finish the bowls, or maybe get a koozie thing like some people get for other logs. That is really my only complaint at all. I think wood density and type and thickness might have alot to do with how hot each Underdog gets because the wood is the insulator, and some may need higher voltages to make really thorough extractions.

I give it an 8.5. It's a welcome addition to my vapor collection, and the single most beautiful piece of the whole lot. It was made by hand, out of three different pieces of wood, superbly fused together to house a potent vapor engine. For less than a mass manufactured affair like a DBV, it's a great vape.



Great Scott!
Nice review Charlie. I almost wonder if you would have preferred the 3/8 size heater core over the 1/4? I only ask that because I find it strange that you would like a variable power supply to "finish" the bowl, where on mine if I let it heat up for around 40 min at 12v it is as hot as I'd want. Could simply be preference, or it could be the core size or even wood type.

Welcome to the party and enjoy the UD.

What we need now is someone who has used another log vape to compare and contrast.


Well-Known Member
Well my package arrived yesterday but I was not around. Actually ended up getting back earlier than expected and just unboxed this thing. Have not slept in 2 days so I will have to post my review and pictures later. Gonna give this a quick test and then go pass out. Hope to have something up later tonight or tomorrow.


Currently at an hour of warm up time and I cant get any vapor... I am getting anxious and about to go use a different vape instead... FRUSTRATED!


About time I got some vapor...


Well-Known Member
recieved mine as well and i like it, i must say its a lil wider than i would like but overall im stoked! the one i got is 2nd row, 1st one on the left. its warming up as we speak :brow: but i have class tonight so im probably not gonna post a review till later tonight at best or tomorrow.


shade-tree vapor engineer
gvape said:
Well my package arrived yesterday but I was not around. Actually ended up getting back earlier than expected and just unboxed this thing. Have not slept in 2 days so I will have to post my review and pictures later. Gonna give this a quick test and then go pass out. Hope to have something up later tonight or tomorrow.


Currently at an hour of warm up time and I cant get any vapor... I am getting anxious and about to go use a different vape instead... FRUSTRATED!


About time I got some vapor...

Hi gvape, you're probably passed out by now but I thought I would chime in and see if I could help you figure out what the problem is. First off which vape did you end up getting? You said your at an hour of warm-up time which should be more than enough.. is vape warm at all, if blow gently on the core can you feel warm air coming back at you? If it's getting power it should be getting up to temp. If all else fails you might try a different outlet or a different 12v adapter if you have one laying around. My only thoughts are maybe the adapter is glitching (though we tested them all thoroughly) or maybe your line voltage is on the low side.

Vapor can also be dependent on how much or little you pack the stem and your draw rate and technique but I"m sure you already know that.. but they may be something to play with. Underdogs don't typically require any special technique though so that's grasping at straws.

Anyways when you're rested and up and about let me know how things are going so we can get you squared away.


Great Scott!
gvape, the last thing I ever imagined anyone would say about an underdog is that there was not much vapor. I view it as the hardest hitter I have. Something has to be going on here.

I too use the blowing on the core method to tell the temp. You should feel a good amount of heat with the core blowing in your face like that.

Dave is there any reason to feel "suction" from the King's Jester? I may be losing my mind here, but if I put my hand flat across the top and cover it tightly I almost feel some light suction? Could very well be in my head though.
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